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Tag: work

Trip to Thai Nguyen

Trip to Thai Nguyen

Topic: trip to Thai NguyenThesis: I went on a trip to Thai Nguyen I. IntroII. my impression of thai nguyenIII. about my activities thereIV. Conclusion In the morning I had a job interview over video chat. The employer suggested I come to observe some classes at the center in Thai Nguyen. So the next day I got on a bus to Thai Nguyen. This is the 9th largest city in Vietnam, and the population is 420k people. The streets are…

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My time to shine

My time to shine

Topic: Cooks unavailableWISI… (what I’m saying is…): it was my moment to shine.Conclusion: I nailed it. I. IntroII. try my ideasIII. demonstrate myself in the roleIV. Conclusion Last weekend, there was a dire shortage of cooks for the food truck. For the first time, I alone was in charge of cooking everything and managing orders. This was my time to shine. This was an opportunity to try changing things around the way I want to do them. I wanted to…

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Hamburger job

Hamburger job

Topic: hamburger jobThesis: Good things about working at the hamburger job.Conclusion: Have to learn a lot for the job. I. ThesisII. Proximitya. in the same food parkb. save money on gasIII. Free meala. hamburger and friesb. choose what I want to eatIV. Conclusion I got a part time job at a hamburger food truck. I had been undecided for a long time about where to get a second job, but finally picked this hamburger job. These were factors in my…

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Tarzan, check your phone!

Tarzan, check your phone!

I don’t want to think about __.What are you doing to prepare for your future? Tarzan is in the jungle. He can’t check his phone.Tarzan only knows the jungle. He doesn’t have a phone.Where the buildings end and the jungle begins, I got a call from Tarzan.I’m going to find Tarzan and ask him that.

Happy nails

Happy nails

Do you miss any place? When did you get here? I can’t adjust to being back. Who can even understand I have somewhere else. Early mornings we’re unpacking boxes of coffee, syrup, cups. Inside and outside, i am in different places.  Like I’m not really here.

Out early

Out early

What time did you get up? What would you have done? I woke up at 4:45am to go to work.  I drove in the dark. I thought I was scheduled to work at 6:15am.  But really it was 10:00am. So I had a donut and coffee, and  then I came here to the community farm. It felt nice out so early.  Having time and no rush.  It was a peaceful morning.

Railyards market

Railyards market

What month is it? What can you buy at the market? Have you had your fortune told? There’s a pop-up market at the railyards. The rails run through a building with hundreds of broken windows. I saw someone selling items for “witchcraft medicine” I didn’t see anyone selling silk bandanas.

Backyard cat

Backyard cat

Do you want a pet monkey? What can robots do? Are you busy everyday?? What are you doing? What character do you play? I want a robot that will do all my work for me. I’m not always making good use of my time. When i woke up this morning the cat was outside looking in. I might have forgotten to let it back in.

Workin’ hard

Workin’ hard

What did you do today? Do you work hard? For what? What does your family do? My neighbor needs me to watch her dog. He’s old and needs someone to hang out with. Now i’m just living life like i was raised. With a dog, walking in the park, laying on the floor.

We’re hiring

We’re hiring

Do you have a job? Tell me about yourself. When i was little… Do you know what career you want? How do you decide? My sister and I went to the cafe.  I saw that they’re hiring. I know i would probably enjoy working here. I want to do something that fits who I am. What i like about teaching…