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Tag: wellness

Good surprise

Good surprise

How are you today? Who do you live with? Do you like it? Where do you hang out? Do you hang out alone? It’s a good surprise for me to be where i am right now. Living together with my mom hasn’t been as hard as i thought. I was at the cafe with Sora for a couple hours today. I’m surprised at the people i have in my life now.

Make animals happy

Make animals happy

Where is your hometown? What makes you happy? Do you have a big family? Do you want kids? I love driving through the countryside and seeing farms. This man makes cows happy with the gift of music. Apples are very cheap.  You can feed a bear many apples. Seeing animals happy makes me happy.

Time freeze

Time freeze

Did you go out today? What do you do at home during lockdown? homework? I want to study _________. Why? Everything stopped again when we went into lockdown. Inside of my bubble, i have nothing but time. Time is moving slower, and I have nothing to distract me. I have a lot of time to do whatever I want. Inside my bubble

Doing what I like

Doing what I like

What did you do today? What did you play when you were a kid? What do you play now? Which do you prefer: being a student or being a worker? Seeing this bumblebee reminded me of when I was a kid. I used to love catching insects.  I’ve been stung by bees 5 times. Now I like laying in bed and writing in my notebook. I like that I can spend more time doing what I like.

Super cute

Super cute

How was your day today? What do you like about yourself? Do you have a scar? How did you get it? Today I enjoyed writing and watching cute animal videos. This dog has fake eyebrows on his face, and it’s super cute. I once fell out of a tree while trying to get a tennis ball. Writing lessons is what I enjoy most.  It’s my happy place.

Listen and hear

Listen and hear

Where did you go today? How do plants help people? Why visit temples? Want to be a monk? Some listen more than talk.  They say still waters run deep. This guy listened to a song played by plants. This piece of trash on the ground said “pick me up!”. I’d like to go some place quiet and listen more.

Therapy Greenhouse

Therapy Greenhouse

How are you today? Do you grow plants? Do you feel stressed? What makes you happy? Does your work make you happy? In New Mexico, I worked at a care home. Growing plants is good therapy. The patients planted a flower garden. So they built a therapy greenhouse. 

Good day today

Good day today

How is the weather where you live? What did you do today? Reading is important? What do you want to do in the morning? Today was a good day! In the morning, I took my bicycle across the river. I sat in a park and read the news on my phone. I want to ride my bicycle and sit in the park every morning.

Mrs. Luda

Mrs. Luda

How are you today? Who do you live with? What do your grandparents do? What can you cook? Mrs. Luda is 75 years old.  She has a small room with a beautiful view.  She lives alone, cooking and watching TV. I live in the next room.  I also live alone, working online.  We share a kitchen and toilet. Yesterday, Mrs. Luda got very sick and was taken to the hospital.  She has a stomach bug. Mrs. Luda is very old. …

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Rain is nice

Rain is nice

How are you today? What do you like to do on rainy days? What is nature? Why is it important? My favorite weather is rainy weather.  I feel great on rainy days. I like to be home alone, cooking or reading. I also like walking with an umbrella in the rain. Rain makes me feel connected to nature.