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Tag: walking

Walking in leaves

Walking in leaves

Topic: senseswalking on leaves is a suprising and memorable sensationI hope I walk in the leaves a long time I. IntroII. the sensation feels new every time.a. sight, soundIII. awakens the senses to other suprises as wella. jell-o cupIV. Conclusion We experience the world through our senses. Many good sensations are at once memorable and suprising; the sensation of walking on leaves is one. The sensation feels new every time, even though it is one I experience every year. It…

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nm sky

nm sky

Topic: NM skyThesis: cherish NM skyConclusion: may not always have it I. ThesisII. sky and airIII. soundIV. Conclusion There are many qualities about the high desert of New Mexico which I cherish. But when I have not been here for a long time, I miss most the NM sky and atmosphere. At 1.5 km above sea level, Albuquerque is much closer to the sun. The sky is big and almost surrounds us. You can see 10 miles into the distance…

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Home to many

Home to many

Topic: this placeThesis: it is home to manyConclusion: I. TopicII. plants, animalsa. signs of lifeb. not aloneIII. mea. leaving tracksb. living hereIV. Conclusion The city is busy, so I went for a walk in the wild. Here is home to many. Everywhere around there are signs of life. The place is home to animals like rabbits and birds. There are trees and plants as well. Besides the plants and animals, there is also me. As I walk I leave my…

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Memorable field trips

Memorable field trips

Topic: Field tripsThesis: Here are some of my most memorable field trips.Conclusion: I. ThesisII. Sweet potato farmIII. Valles calderaIV. Conclusion Everyone probably remembers going on field trips back in elementary school. Here are some memorable field trips I went on. In my first grade, our class went on a field trip to a sweet potato farm. We all got to dig up sweet potatoes. It was exciting, like searching for hidden prizes. In my third grade, we went to a…

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Feeling refreshed

Feeling refreshed

Topic: feeling refreshedThesis: walking in the mountains after a rain leaves me feeling refreshed.Conclusion: Relax and let go of the stress while walking in the mountains after a rain will help you feel like new again. I. ThesisII. Sightsa. winding pathb. aloneIII. Soundsa. shoes on sandb. animals, not aloneIV. Conclusion If you have become overwhelmed by your personal environment, then it might be time for a walk in the mountains after the rain. When you walk in the mountains after…

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Telephone and teleport

Telephone and teleport

Topic: Diff between telephone and teleport Thesis: They have a couple important differences.Conclusion: Keep in mind that you CAN telephone to the moon, but you CAN’T teleport to the moon (yet). I. ThesisII. Telephonea. how it worksb. invented alreadyIII. Teleporta. how it worksb. not yet inventedIV. Conclusion Don’t confuse ‘telephone’ and ‘teleport’. These two technologies have a couple important differences. Telephone is for voice calls and IM. It works by wire or wireless signal. Telephone has already been invented, and…

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