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Tag: walking

Good place to sit

Good place to sit

I like to sit and do nothing. I look for good places to do this. These are some things that I look for when I want to find a good place to sit. I like to have a beautiful view. There is a small lake where there are also trees, and on the fence is a good place to sit. The view relaxes me. I like a place that is entertaining. A plastic stool near the market is a good…

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Evening in the neighborhood

Evening in the neighborhood

You should see this place in the evening. The evening is a special time in the neighborhood. In the evening, everyone is coming home. Parents are coming home from work. Children are coming home from school. Everyone is happy to be coming home. In the evening, everyone is getting together in the neighborhood. Neighborhood moms and dads are playing pickleball or talking together outside. The kids are riding their bicycles. The evening is a good time for walking in the…

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Empty space

Empty space

Open space is valuable. Open space can be filled. But keeping open space empty is also valuable. In the country side, there is a lot of open space. I like lots of cafes in the city, however I also like seeing no cafes. On the weekend, you have free time. You can fill it with fun plans. But then you may also be missing the unexpected. Open space is valuable. Nowhere and nothing is something. Q. Do you drink coffee?…

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Cau ben tuong

Cau ben tuong

Cau ben tuong Bananas look so cool growing on a tree. I grew up eating bananas, but I never saw a banana tree. All our bananas in America come from Ecuador. But bananas are originally from SE Asia (chicken too). Going on long walks is a good hobby because it is activity for your body and mind. I like to go on long walks in this city because everything here is strange and new. The air quality is really bad…

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The other day

The other day

I tried a new fruit the other day. It tasted really good. I was glad that the seller offered to peel it for me, since I don’t have a knife. I saw a soccer field the other day, while I was walking. I didn’t see anyone playing soccer though. Q. Are you good at peeling fruit? Tell me something you’re good at.Q. Do you like watching soccer? Tell me why this is popular.

Basket of eggs

Basket of eggs

You shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. If something happens to the basket, then you will lose all your eggs. If you invest all your money into one stock and then that stock goes down, then you will lose a lot of money. It’s better to invest some money into multiple different stocks. If you only apply to the job you want most and ignore the others, then you may get no job at all. Instead, you should…

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Always sunny

Always sunny

To have a job, one must pretend a little bit. One must dress like one is normally put together like that. Like the shirt and tie aren’t a disguise. Like I am just a well-balanced person. The weather is always sunny. One must act convincingly at work. I must seem professional and easy to work with. I can play normal for a while. To have the job, you must pretend. Q. how are you today? Should you share anything with…

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Nice day off

Nice day off

Nice day off Today was my day off. I didn’t go to work. It was really nice. The sky was solid gray. I walked to a coffee shop, and just as I got there it started to rain. I didn’t have an umbrella, so I stayed there. I tried to write, but not many words came out. I watched the students walking in the street with umbrellas. When the rain stopped, I walked back home. It was a very simple…

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Safe to cross

Safe to cross

Safe to cross I can hit a pickleball at a motorbike. If it drives onto a pickle ball court, then it is playing pickleball. In the mirror I can see them coming. If they don’t slow down, then neither do I. Pickleball! If you want to play pickleball with me, then come out and play. Q. Do you know how to play pickleball? Do you play it? Tell me something that you are good at.Q. Speeding on a motorbike is…

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Jealous of attention

Jealous of attention

Jealous of attention My coworker got a haircut, and everyone at work was excited and made a lot of noise. But nobody noticed when I got a haircut last week. It was a beautiful event when the trees shed their leaves. I was excited. Maybe there should have been a lot of noise and a big party with cake and everything. Q. When did you last get a haircut? Did you receive any compliments? Did you like the haircut?Q. Tell…

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