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Tag: utility pole

Other side of the bridge

Other side of the bridge

After I got a bicycle, I found a bridge over a canal. I went across it, and this is what I discovered. On the other side of the bridge, it is greener. There are rice paddies and trees. There aren’t many buildings or traffic. On the other side of the bridge, there are fewer people. There aren’t cafes or restaurants. There is open space and the sound of insects. It’s odd how different it is on the other side of…

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Always sunny

Always sunny

To have a job, one must pretend a little bit. One must dress like one is normally put together like that. Like the shirt and tie aren’t a disguise. Like I am just a well-balanced person. The weather is always sunny. One must act convincingly at work. I must seem professional and easy to work with. I can play normal for a while. To have the job, you must pretend. Q. how are you today? Should you share anything with…

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Safe to cross

Safe to cross

Safe to cross I can hit a pickleball at a motorbike. If it drives onto a pickle ball court, then it is playing pickleball. In the mirror I can see them coming. If they don’t slow down, then neither do I. Pickleball! If you want to play pickleball with me, then come out and play. Q. Do you know how to play pickleball? Do you play it? Tell me something that you are good at.Q. Speeding on a motorbike is…

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Cheese and warmth

Cheese and warmth

Cheese and warmth I’m happy to be in Vietnam, and I almost don’t miss anything at all about the USA. But there are just a couple things which I miss a little bit. I miss cheese. Sometimes I feel hungry but don’t want to eat rice. I just think about biting a big piece of cheese. It’s hard to feel satisfied without it. I also miss the cold, I think. Not that I like being cold, but I remember things…

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Walking downhill

Walking downhill

Topic: walking downhill Thesis: walking downhill is fun A I like walking.  Most of all, I like walking downhill. Walking downhill is faster.   You take longer strides walking downhill than walking uphill.  The pace of walking increases so you can cross a distance faster.  If you are walking home, then it means you get home sooner.  Faster is usually better. Q. Walking faster is better, especially if you are _______. B Walking downhill stimulates the mind.   You can see an…

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Mountain biking II

Mountain biking II

Topic: Mountain bikingThesis: playing in the mountains is good for you.Conclusion: Slightly offset by the possibility of being eaten by bears. I. ThesisII. old people I saw mountain bikinga. looked strongb. seemed happyIII. I feel strongera. mind has more energyb. not as stressedIV. Conclusion I tried riding my mountain bike on the trails in the foothills, and after that experience I became convinced that mountain bikes are the key to long life and happiness. Riding the mountain bike in the…

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Early aerial photography

Early aerial photography

Topic: early methods of aerial photography Thesis: These are some of the earliest forms of aerial photography.Conclusion: aerial photography has developed rapidly since then. I. ThesisII. Balloonsa. exampleb. 1858III. Pigeonsa. exampleb. 1907IV. Conclusion Early methods of aerial photography were developed long before airplanes. These are some of the earliest methods of aerial photography. Aerial photography first began in 1858. It was done using a balloon. It was the first photograph taken from the air. Next, pigeon photography was invented in…

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Telephone and teleport

Telephone and teleport

Topic: Diff between telephone and teleport Thesis: They have a couple important differences.Conclusion: Keep in mind that you CAN telephone to the moon, but you CAN’T teleport to the moon (yet). I. ThesisII. Telephonea. how it worksb. invented alreadyIII. Teleporta. how it worksb. not yet inventedIV. Conclusion Don’t confuse ‘telephone’ and ‘teleport’. These two technologies have a couple important differences. Telephone is for voice calls and IM. It works by wire or wireless signal. Telephone has already been invented, and…

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Exciting cactus ideas

Exciting cactus ideas

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be given a modest weekly allowance for doing household chores.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should consult with their parents when they are choosing a major. I want to plant rows of cactus out in the badlands. You could do some pretty exciting things with that.Of course, you could harvest the fruit every year and make syrup and juice. In the Summer I would…

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Cactus fence

Cactus fence

For children, it is more important to study than to play.I want my own __. There is moisture in the atmosphere. The TV weather people were really happy that we’re going to get some rain.I visited the cactus fence I saw when I was driving by the other day. It turned out to be a public park under construction. No one was there and the gate wasn’t closed.I was interested in this cactus fence. I want my own cactus fence….

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