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Tag: travel

Surprising things

Surprising things

Any plans tomorrow? What did you do today? Do you play phone games? What do your friends like to do? What do you want to learn? There are many surprising things in New Mexico. You can find these satellites in the desert. Stink bugs point their butt up in the air to warn you.  They can spray a stinky chemical. There are many other surprising things here.  You should visit sometime.

Migratory Patterns

Migratory Patterns

Favorite time of year? What festivals do you have? Travel solo or in a group? A migratory pattern is a route that animals travel according to the season of year. From October to January, sandhill cranes come to the Rio Grande valley. Humans can also follow migratory patterns.  It can be for many reasons. I’d like to follow my own migratory pattern.  I’d like to have a way to live like a bird.