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Tag: plants

Local plants of Santa Fe

Local plants of Santa Fe

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be encouraged to play sports such as soccer and basketball.Inventions such as eyeglasses and the sewing machines have had an important effect on our lives. Choose another invention that you think is important. Give specific reasons for your choice. Getting to know the plants and animals around you isn’t just fascinating—it’s also beneficial for you and your environment.Learning about local flora and fauna helps you understand the natural world…

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Yoga at the park

Yoga at the park

Parks are good for _____. I wish I did ____ everyday. I went to a park and sat in the grass.I sat under the shade of a tree and took off my shoes. I did some yoga.There were a few cars napping in the shade and a guy and his dog playing fetch across the park.It was so quiet that I heard myself think, “this ain’t so bad”.

Personal imprint

Personal imprint

I remember once it rained and __.Have you remembered a stranger?why did you remember them? A photograph captures a moment in time.A past rain, the water once spreading in the sand, left behind its shape.Like bones, what is left behind tells the story.My imprint in the sand and everything I do is left behind.

Dead lizard

Dead lizard

I’m uncertain about _.Is it better to take risks? Went to the bus stop, but didn’t get on the bus.At the bus stop, I decided to go back home. Halfway home I changed my mind again. I kept going back and forth.I’m uncertain about the future. I’m not following any direction.The only direction now is Belen. I don’t know how it is I go.

Mondays off

Mondays off

Where to spend the day in your city?What day do you look forward to? Now I am lying in the grass at today’s favorite location.Where a park, a library, and a good place to eat are all in walking distance.I’ve emerged from the food truck weekend into a Monday with no obligations.I picked one place to be all day, and it was here that I picked.