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Tag: personal

About Ben

About Ben

What do you do every morning? What are you focused on right now? What do you need to be happy? What are your long-term goals? Ben does something every morning, Works with others on group projects, Makes goals for himself, Appreciates working for fun.

Rust is gold

Rust is gold

What did you do today? Where do you live? Do you like it? Do you want to travel? Where? I’m back in ABQ, in a place I know well, near family and friends. I feel different, and more clear now about where I want to be. Now that I’m settling down, I feel more free in a way. More free to build long- lasting things in my life.

Snake bite

Snake bite

A fact about yourself. How did your parents meet? Who raised you? Are we similar? What music do you like? I have 2 very similar aunts who seem very different. One aunt I lived with for about 7 years.  Everyday she was writing stories. The other aunt has a similar mind and uses it in a similar way. They seem so different, but you could guess they’re sisters.

Cigarette seller

Cigarette seller

What is luck? What is next-door to your home? How much does fruit cost? Where do you live? My grandfather was a cigarette seller in Tokyo. He owned several vending machines and a shop. He showed me some fake coins that he found in his vending machines. My grandfather had good luck and bad luck. And a bad habit

Mikheil Bukhaidze St

Mikheil Bukhaidze St

Where did you grow up? In the city? Why ride the bus? Do you like to stay indoors? What do you do at home? Walking down this street, I can imagine growing up here. The bus stop clock displays the time and temperature. The temperature is -4°C this morning.  A gas stove keeps my room warm. I grew up in a place a little bit like this.



What did you do this morning? Go outside today? Do you like to visit the zoo? Who do you want to meet? And say what? I woke up this morning and opened the window I would like to meet the cat, but the cat isn’t interested. Put some sunflower seeds on my window ledge.  Hoping to see birds. Standing by my window, I can see everything.

Spoonie teacher

Spoonie teacher

What did we talk about last time? What did you do today? What are you learning outside of school? I want to spend more time ___, and less time ___. I work from home, teaching young children online.  I feel bored at work a lot of the time, so I have to find other things I enjoy doing. I can only teach 3 hours, then all i can do is rest. I want a job that I can for do…

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Let go balloon

Let go balloon

How are you today? What did you do? Get up with the sun and do what? Why? Dying breath – last words. [purchase_link id=”1619″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I’m a balloon.  I was holding someone’s hand. But they opened their hand and I got away. I’ve stopped rising, and now I’m floating up and down. Ppffffffth..pb… Balloon falls.  Animal eats it.

Mrs. Luda

Mrs. Luda

How are you today? Who do you live with? What do your grandparents do? What can you cook? Mrs. Luda is 75 years old.  She has a small room with a beautiful view.  She lives alone, cooking and watching TV. I live in the next room.  I also live alone, working online.  We share a kitchen and toilet. Yesterday, Mrs. Luda got very sick and was taken to the hospital.  She has a stomach bug. Mrs. Luda is very old. …

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