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Tag: paranormal



Did you dream last night? What are the most important habits? Do what with your bones? Donate to science? I got a migraine from being on my computer all day. “He just said, ‘oral hygiene is very important, Rion’”. “May I please have your skull after you die?” Now my cranium is on a shelf, talking to the other craniums.

Alien Planet

Alien Planet

Where are you from? A scary thing I did. Happy you did? What are you afraid of? Super strong or super smart: which would you choose? [purchase_link id=”1618″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] In 1969 an astronaut orbited the moon alone. A living thing that leaves Earth must be very brave. Constructed by a culture that left no written record.  Nobody knows how or why. Mushroom spores are found at every level of the Earth’s atmosphere and can survive in space.

Point of no return

Point of no return

Travel back in time to what year? Do you want to live forever? And do what? What would you like to have? Before you are 31 The point at which you must make a final decision. Whomsoever drinks the Elixir of Life shall never die. You can’t change your order at the pick-up window. You’re past the point of no return.