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Tag: nature

The place where I live

The place where I live

The place where I live The ants are there. You don’t always see them, but they’re there. They know it the moment there is food. They form a long line to my door. Welcome, please come inside. The place where I live is a beautiful place. The building is old and weathered-looking. Centipedes sleep on the wall. The tree drops its pink flowers on the ground. Q. Are you comfortable where you live? What is it like living there?Q. Tell…

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Other side of the bridge

Other side of the bridge

After I got a bicycle, I found a bridge over a canal. I went across it, and this is what I discovered. On the other side of the bridge, it is greener. There are rice paddies and trees. There aren’t many buildings or traffic. On the other side of the bridge, there are fewer people. There aren’t cafes or restaurants. There is open space and the sound of insects. It’s odd how different it is on the other side of…

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I wish I had a buffalo

I wish I had a buffalo

I saw a farmer walking his buffalo on a country road. Now I want a buffalo. If I had a buffalo, I’d ride it everywhere. I’d ride it to the cafe. It would have fun. If I had a buffalo, I’d be very good to it. I’d give it food. I’d talk to it. I want a buffalo, but I can’t really have one. Q. Do you like animals? What are you passionate about?Q. Do you like kids? Tell me…

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Jealous of attention

Jealous of attention

Jealous of attention My coworker got a haircut, and everyone at work was excited and made a lot of noise. But nobody noticed when I got a haircut last week. It was a beautiful event when the trees shed their leaves. I was excited. Maybe there should have been a lot of noise and a big party with cake and everything. Q. When did you last get a haircut? Did you receive any compliments? Did you like the haircut?Q. Tell…

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Cambodian countryside

Cambodian countryside

Topic: change of environmentThesis: I can adjust to a new environment In the countryside in Cambodia it is a very different environment than what I am used to. On my first night I was in a bad mood because I was tired from travel and in a strange place. My second day here has been much better. Cambodia has a very hot and humid climate. At first it was hard to get used to feeling sweaty all the time. I…

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Go with my gut

Go with my gut

Topic: “go with my gut”Thesis: some examples of situations where saying “go with my gut” might be appropriate. The expression “go with my gut” means to rely on your instincts or intuition when making a decision. Here are some examples of situations where saying “go with my gut” might be appropriate. In a job interview, if you have a gut feeling that the company culture doesn’t fit your values, even if it is a good job, you might decide to…

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Nice things to do at a park

Nice things to do at a park

Topic: parksThesis: Here are some nice things to do in parks. Parks are a good place for doing many things. A park is a good place for playing games. A park is a good place for taking naps. There are many nice things which you can do at parks. Q. Have you been to a park? What did you do there?Q. Should a new sports stadium be built in you city? (Yes or no and why). Audio A Audio B

Gray day

Gray day

Topic: weather Thesis: the weather affects us in multiple ways. A Rainy or sunny, windy or still, hot or cold.  The weather affects us in multiple ways. The weather affects our environment.  The plants and animals that are around us depend on the weather. On a gray day, the clouds hang in the sky so heavy with rain.  The plants can feel it in the air and are ready for it.  Plants need water to grow. People need plants to…

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The effect of a river on a person

The effect of a river on a person

Topic: living by the river Thesis: living by the river has an effect on a person. A A river is a powerful force in many ways.  Living beside a river has an effect on a person. The river affects a person’s thinking.   They can throw a stick in the moving water and watch it drift away, and their thoughts go after it.  Where does the river go?  It makes its winding path to the sea.  Their thoughts drift out to…

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Winter sun

Winter sun

A In the Summer when the sun is high in the sky and it feels hot, I wish for the Winter.  In the Winter when the sun is low in the sky and it feels cold, I wish for the Summer.  I should just appreciate what I have right now. There is snow on the ground.  It covers the roads and paths.  But snow on the ground is a good thing.   For one thing, snow is water and we need…

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