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Tag: Moon

Round orange

Round orange

when you are angry, you need to let it out. When your head is full of words that you want to yell, your head becomes big and round and orange. I sat under a big round orange and someone was there to listen. You need to let your feelings out. You need a place to put them. Q. Do you write your thoughts? Have you ever kept a journal?Q. What did you think about today?

Between day and night

Between day and night

Topic: between day and nightThesis: has special beautyConclusion: of transformation The day and night are both beautiful. There is a special time between day and night which has a special beauty. The sunset is the ending of the day. The sun casts warm colors underneath the clouds. As the light fades, the distant lights of the city grow bright like jewels. The moon rises soon after in the East, and casts a pale white light over the hills. The temperature…

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Telephone and teleport

Telephone and teleport

Topic: Diff between telephone and teleport Thesis: They have a couple important differences.Conclusion: Keep in mind that you CAN telephone to the moon, but you CAN’T teleport to the moon (yet). I. ThesisII. Telephonea. how it worksb. invented alreadyIII. Teleporta. how it worksb. not yet inventedIV. Conclusion Don’t confuse ‘telephone’ and ‘teleport’. These two technologies have a couple important differences. Telephone is for voice calls and IM. It works by wire or wireless signal. Telephone has already been invented, and…

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Portal to the Moon

Portal to the Moon

There is usually a feeling of transition when walking under a bridge. But this time I walked under a bridge and unknowingly entered through a portal to the moon. When my feet crossed that line, the sun disappeared. The temperature dropped. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could see a massive stone ceiling that was vibrating over me. Q. Agree or disagree: It is more relevant for students to study art and literature rather than science and Maths….

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