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Tag: history

Early aerial photography

Early aerial photography

Topic: early methods of aerial photography Thesis: These are some of the earliest forms of aerial photography.Conclusion: aerial photography has developed rapidly since then. I. ThesisII. Balloonsa. exampleb. 1858III. Pigeonsa. exampleb. 1907IV. Conclusion Early methods of aerial photography were developed long before airplanes. These are some of the earliest methods of aerial photography. Aerial photography first began in 1858. It was done using a balloon. It was the first photograph taken from the air. Next, pigeon photography was invented in…

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Bee Vision

Bee Vision

If you could be any animal for a day? Indoor plants are a  good idea because… Do you cook for yourself?  What do you eat? Would you eat an insect? English-only copy: [purchase_link id=”1611″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] If I could be any organism for a day, I would be a bee.  Or maybe I would be the whole bee hive, if you count superorganisms. Bees’ eyes can’t see the color red, but they can see light in the ultraviolet spectrum…

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