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Tag: funny

Telephone pole

Telephone pole

How tall are you? What music are you listening to? Why do you assume that I’m a telephone pole? Not everybody who’s tall is a telephone pole. I’m listening to my music.  You got a problem with that? These are all my friends.  You want to say something now?

Make animals happy

Make animals happy

Where is your hometown? What makes you happy? Do you have a big family? Do you want kids? I love driving through the countryside and seeing farms. This man makes cows happy with the gift of music. Apples are very cheap.  You can feed a bear many apples. Seeing animals happy makes me happy.

Super cute

Super cute

How was your day today? What do you like about yourself? Do you have a scar? How did you get it? Today I enjoyed writing and watching cute animal videos. This dog has fake eyebrows on his face, and it’s super cute. I once fell out of a tree while trying to get a tennis ball. Writing lessons is what I enjoy most.  It’s my happy place.

Close to others

Close to others

Do you like animals?  Do you have a pet? Who did you talk to today? Did you hug them? What other animals live a long time? Animals can feel closeness to others. This seal won’t stop hugging this diver. Tortoises love to eat green grass and guava fruit. It feels the same to them as it does to us.

Jump, jump, jump

Jump, jump, jump

How are you today? I ______ when I’m not working. Did you work today? I want more _________. How to get it? I saw this video on the internet about a jumping robot. Have you seen it? It can jump on 1 leg and balance itself. Are they saying something?  What do they want? Jumping when you want something, or need to get somewhere.

Between cat

Between cat

How are you today? You need a friend who can __________. Do you have a favorite family member? Is your family big? Here are some things which exist between different spaces. A truck driver and his cat share a life on the road. A duel was once a way to settle things between two enemies. Living in between cities, walking a path between our past and our present.

Let go balloon

Let go balloon

How are you today? What did you do? Get up with the sun and do what? Why? Dying breath – last words. [purchase_link id=”1619″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I’m a balloon.  I was holding someone’s hand. But they opened their hand and I got away. I’ve stopped rising, and now I’m floating up and down. Ppffffffth..pb… Balloon falls.  Animal eats it.