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Tag: food

Public holiday

Public holiday

I. IntroII. new bicycleIII. many kinds of cakeIV. Conclusion It was a public holiday, and I had a few days off from work. I spend the holiday walking around or playing on my computer. It was nice to have the freedom to be alone all day. I could see many places with a bicycle. Before I could only go around near to where I live because I was on foot. But now I have a bicycle, so I can see…

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In case

In case

Things often don’t go as we want or expect. But if you take the right precautions, you can be prepared in case something happens. In case of rain, better take an umbrella with you. You wouldn’t want to get stuck somewhere waiting for the rain to stop. In case you go to the duck restaurant and they are all sold out, you can find somewhere else to eat. Just know beforehand where else to go if you are too late…

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The other day

The other day

I tried a new fruit the other day. It tasted really good. I was glad that the seller offered to peel it for me, since I don’t have a knife. I saw a soccer field the other day, while I was walking. I didn’t see anyone playing soccer though. Q. Are you good at peeling fruit? Tell me something you’re good at.Q. Do you like watching soccer? Tell me why this is popular.



The word ‘blank’ comes from the old French word ‘blanc’, which means white. The following examples give a sense of how the word is used. A blank stare is a facial expression which shows no thought or emotion. “The patient does not respond to anything. He only stares blankly at the wall. His mind is somewhere else.” A blank slate is a fresh start, a new beginning. “The criminal wants to leave his past behind. He completed his prison term…

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Cheese and warmth

Cheese and warmth

Cheese and warmth I’m happy to be in Vietnam, and I almost don’t miss anything at all about the USA. But there are just a couple things which I miss a little bit. I miss cheese. Sometimes I feel hungry but don’t want to eat rice. I just think about biting a big piece of cheese. It’s hard to feel satisfied without it. I also miss the cold, I think. Not that I like being cold, but I remember things…

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Doing things slowly

Doing things slowly

Doing things slowly and with more awareness enhances the experience. If you walk slowly, it is possible to be safer by being more aware of your environment. You can see the cracks in the sidewalk so you don’t trip on them. Sipping coffee slowly, your enjoyment of the experience is enhanced. It becomes possible to taste the subtler qualities and feel the effect of the caffeine more attentively. Moving slowly may help us be more aware of our surroundings and…

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New Year thoughts

New Year thoughts

Topic: making life brighter Thesis: celebrating Tet and keeping a positive mindset can make our lives brighter. A Celebrating Tet and cultivating a positive mindset can make our lives brighter. Celebrating Tet makes our lives brighter. Tet has many traditional practices which emphasize goodwill. For example, giving lucky money to children, sharing special foods, visiting family, offering altar tributes, and wishing each other well. Gestures of goodwill like these make life brighter for ourselves and others. Tet also emphasizes practices…

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What I like about NM

What I like about NM

A There are many things that I like and don’t like about New Mexico.  However, this week has reminded me of a couple things that I do like about it here. One thing that I really like about New Mexico is its wide open spaces.  Out of the 50 states, New Mexico ranks 45th in population density.  Here there are still a lot of wide open empty places where there aren’t a lot of people.  Also, the landscape doesn’t obstruct…

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Anywhere tacos

Anywhere tacos

topic: not having a kitchenthesis: can still cook good food and costs less. I. IntroII. wherever you may beIII. easy and deliciousIV. Conclusion A When you rent an apartment, a big part of what you are paying for is the kitchen– that is, somewhere to store and prepare food. But you don’t really need a kitchen to cook. You can easily make delicious food anywhere you go. Most kitchens are located in 1 place and can’t move. However, if you…

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Topic: spaghettiThesis: spaghetti is good to know how to make.Conclusion: most of all it tastes great. I. IntroII. convenientIII. inexpensiveIV. Conclusion Even if you aren’t a cook, you should know how to make spaghetti. This dish is really good to know how to make. One good thing about making spaghetti is that it is easy. Just boil the dry noodles, drain them, and add the canned spaghetti sauce and hotdog. Add to that the fact that spaghetti is one of…

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