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Tag: food

Rice paddy all around

Rice paddy all around

Rice paddies are so beautiful. I had never stood in one before. I stood and watched the wind in the grass. My eyes explored the water. It was so green all around. The sun was so hot. After that, I ate mangoes like a monkey. I drank bottled water. The rice paddy gave me an appetite. I wanted to see a rice paddy. I am hungry for Vietnam. Q. How was the weather today? What do you want to see?Q….

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Interesting things to see

Interesting things to see

It is a beautiful day. There are many interesting things to see. A restaurant sign says ‘buffalo’ and ‘pho’ on it. Inside the restaurant, there is buffalo pho. Capybaras are suddenly in fashion. You can see them everywhere. Hundreds of them staring at you from the sidewalk. Many interesting things can be seen. Q. How was your day? Did you see anything interesting?Q. Tell me something interesting about you?

Hao Hao noodles

Hao Hao noodles

I like instant noodles. I know that they’re not very healthy, but I don’t eat them every day. I still like them. I like that they can be just normal instant noodles, or if you add a bunch of stuff to them then they can be more fancy and special. I had some with pickled bamboo and an egg today. I like how I ride a bike because I zone out. I like the clouds because they are beautiful. I…

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Community notice board

Community notice board

Community notice board I found something interesting. It is a chalkboard on the wall in the neighborhood. It has information for the community. It says “Summer activity schedule”, and has information for weekly events held in that community. Residents can stay informed about the events and activities in their community. I think a community notice board is a simple but great idea. Not only as a way to inform residents, but to engage them with the community. When we do…

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Enjoy a rainy morning

Enjoy a rainy morning

This is how you really enjoy a rainy morning. First, go to eat xôi outside on the street. Get wet sitting on the stool in the rain and talking to the uncles sitting there. Second, take the long way home. Đi xe đạp through neighborhood alleyways and through rain puddles. If you see the sister selling trà chanh, stop for some trà chanh. When you get home, turn off the light and take a long nap. Q. How is the…

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Beautiful day outside

Beautiful day outside

I’m on my phone too much, and right now I have a headache from that. I don’t know why I spend so much time looking at my phone when there is so much to look at all around me. This morning I ate “bun rieu”. It looked really healthy. I took a picture — look how colorful it is. It’s like an amazing work of art — I want to look and look. I went out riding my bike. I…

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Good place to sit

Good place to sit

I like to sit and do nothing. I look for good places to do this. These are some things that I look for when I want to find a good place to sit. I like to have a beautiful view. There is a small lake where there are also trees, and on the fence is a good place to sit. The view relaxes me. I like a place that is entertaining. A plastic stool near the market is a good…

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Empty space

Empty space

Open space is valuable. Open space can be filled. But keeping open space empty is also valuable. In the country side, there is a lot of open space. I like lots of cafes in the city, however I also like seeing no cafes. On the weekend, you have free time. You can fill it with fun plans. But then you may also be missing the unexpected. Open space is valuable. Nowhere and nothing is something. Q. Do you drink coffee?…

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I wish I had a buffalo

I wish I had a buffalo

I saw a farmer walking his buffalo on a country road. Now I want a buffalo. If I had a buffalo, I’d ride it everywhere. I’d ride it to the cafe. It would have fun. If I had a buffalo, I’d be very good to it. I’d give it food. I’d talk to it. I want a buffalo, but I can’t really have one. Q. Do you like animals? What are you passionate about?Q. Do you like kids? Tell me…

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Bicycle or motorbike

Bicycle or motorbike

Bicycle or motorbike If you need personal transport and care about how much fun it is, then you may be wondering whether a bicycle or a motorbike is more fun. With a bicycle, there is the need to eat more food. You’ll be exercising, you’ll get hungrier, and you can eat more. That’s more enjoyable than going to the gas station. With a motorbike, there is more fun from being able to go longer distances. You can see more things…

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