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Tag: family

Rust is gold

Rust is gold

What did you do today? Where do you live? Do you like it? Do you want to travel? Where? I’m back in ABQ, in a place I know well, near family and friends. I feel different, and more clear now about where I want to be. Now that I’m settling down, I feel more free in a way. More free to build long- lasting things in my life.

Good surprise

Good surprise

How are you today? Who do you live with? Do you like it? Where do you hang out? Do you hang out alone? It’s a good surprise for me to be where i am right now. Living together with my mom hasn’t been as hard as i thought. I was at the cafe with Sora for a couple hours today. I’m surprised at the people i have in my life now.

Familiar surroundings

Familiar surroundings

How was your day? What does your family eat? What groups do you belong to? Next week, I return home after a long time away. I want to go back and be in a place I know well. To reach out to my friends and family. And to find some work that is important to me and do it.

Snake bite

Snake bite

A fact about yourself. How did your parents meet? Who raised you? Are we similar? What music do you like? I have 2 very similar aunts who seem very different. One aunt I lived with for about 7 years.  Everyday she was writing stories. The other aunt has a similar mind and uses it in a similar way. They seem so different, but you could guess they’re sisters.