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Tag: fall

Jealous of attention

Jealous of attention

Jealous of attention My coworker got a haircut, and everyone at work was excited and made a lot of noise. But nobody noticed when I got a haircut last week. It was a beautiful event when the trees shed their leaves. I was excited. Maybe there should have been a lot of noise and a big party with cake and everything. Q. When did you last get a haircut? Did you receive any compliments? Did you like the haircut?Q. Tell…

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Walking in leaves

Walking in leaves

Topic: senseswalking on leaves is a suprising and memorable sensationI hope I walk in the leaves a long time I. IntroII. the sensation feels new every time.a. sight, soundIII. awakens the senses to other suprises as wella. jell-o cupIV. Conclusion We experience the world through our senses. Many good sensations are at once memorable and suprising; the sensation of walking on leaves is one. The sensation feels new every time, even though it is one I experience every year. It…

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Cold spell

Cold spell

Cold Spell Topic: sudden drop in temperatureThesis: made me jumpConclusion: get ready for Winter I. IntroII. jump to the realizationIII. jump to get readyIV. Conclusion The temperature suddenly dropped these last few days. It will warm up again later this week, but this first freeze was good because it made me jump. It made me jump to the realization that it will soon be freezing every night. Winter is really coming, and it is inevitable. Then it made me jump…

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Fall colors

Fall colors

Fall colorsTopic: Leaves in FallThesis: Fall is the most exciting time of year because the trees change color.Conclusion: want to nap I. IntroII. airIII. colorsIV. Conclusion I like all times of year, but if I had to pick a favorite then it would be October. October is my favorite time for a couple reasons. The air feels crisp and chilly in the mornings. The temperature is dropping and Winter is looming. Soon it will be freezing cold. The leaves on…

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Rock collecting

Rock collecting

Rock collectingTopic: rock collectingThesis: We went to the South Valley did diff thingsConclusion: were both happy I. IntroII. Jeremy collect rocksa. looking downb. heavy jacketIII. Yoshua take photos of treesa. looking upb. beautiful leavesIV. Conclusion Jeremy and I went down to the South Valley, him to collect interesting rocks, and me to take pictures of trees. Jeremy walked looking downward, and as he found rocks he picked them up and put them in his pockets. He filled all the pockets…

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Fall is here

Fall is here

Topic: Fall is hereThesis: It’s beginning to feel like Fall.Conclusion: Time to think about clothes. I. ThesisII. Winda. shaking truckIII. Chilla. when I woke upb. just my face is coldIV. Conclusion It has been Fall officially for 10 days now. Yesterday and this morning, it finally felt like Fall had arrived. Yesterday it was very windy. The gusts were very strong. The truck was buffeted and rocked back and forth until about 9pm, then the wind just stopped and it…

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Community garden

Community garden

Do you have space at home to grow plants? What can you grow? I share _____ with my community. This is the Rio Grande community garden. Anyone can grow food here.  You can rent a space. The community billboard has information, including some rules. This is a shared space, so let’s be respectful and follow the rules.

Out early

Out early

What time did you get up? What would you have done? I woke up at 4:45am to go to work.  I drove in the dark. I thought I was scheduled to work at 6:15am.  But really it was 10:00am. So I had a donut and coffee, and  then I came here to the community farm. It felt nice out so early.  Having time and no rush.  It was a peaceful morning.

Pumpkin eater

Pumpkin eater

What did you do today? Do you ride a bicycle? There are 30 days of Autumn remaining.  The weather has suddenly gotten colder. Trees are changing colors. Fast food is not the American diet.  Corn, beans, squash is. Pumpkin pie was invented here.