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Tag: disability

Hot rice sock

Hot rice sock

What does ‘long day’ mean? How was your day? Have you read Harry Potter? I borrowed this children’s book from the library. I’m not totally sure what this book is about. I need to lie down for a little bit. The hot rice sock warms my back so my muscles relax. I focused on my happiest thought. Expecto patronum!

Stay active

Stay active

What did you do today? Do you like exercise? Do you watch football? What do you want for dinner? I’m not as active as I used to be. I used to ride my skateboard in the arroyos. Now I feel exhausted just from moving. I need to walk more. 

Spoonie teacher

Spoonie teacher

What did we talk about last time? What did you do today? What are you learning outside of school? I want to spend more time ___, and less time ___. I work from home, teaching young children online.  I feel bored at work a lot of the time, so I have to find other things I enjoy doing. I can only teach 3 hours, then all i can do is rest. I want a job that I can for do…

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Therapy Greenhouse

Therapy Greenhouse

How are you today? Do you grow plants? Do you feel stressed? What makes you happy? Does your work make you happy? In New Mexico, I worked at a care home. Growing plants is good therapy. The patients planted a flower garden. So they built a therapy greenhouse.