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Tag: Cambodia

Rice paddies

Rice paddies

I studied agriculture in college, but I didn’t follow a career in that field. Instead I became an itinerant teacher. But I don’t think that I wasted my degree. Even if I never grow any rice or keep any bees (which I hope I do), it would still be worth it to have studied agriculture. I’m enjoying taking photos of rice paddies, probably because I know a little about plants and soil and stuff. They say ‘the more you learn,…

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Cambodian countryside

Cambodian countryside

Topic: change of environmentThesis: I can adjust to a new environment In the countryside in Cambodia it is a very different environment than what I am used to. On my first night I was in a bad mood because I was tired from travel and in a strange place. My second day here has been much better. Cambodia has a very hot and humid climate. At first it was hard to get used to feeling sweaty all the time. I…

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