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Tag: cactus

Cactus fruit seller

Cactus fruit seller

In my dry climate, cactus farming makes sense. Cactus can help preserve water and soil. Because it is adapted to the desert environment, it can grow happily with very little water. It is also a perennial plant, so it doesn’t require replanting every year. Cactus produces fruit whic Cactus grows wild in the foothills. I was thinking that it would be cool to collect cactus fruit and sell it. Cactus grows without any help. It doesn’t need extra water or…

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Mountain biking

Mountain biking

topic: bycycling on trails.thesis: It would be exciting to ride my bike on mountain trails.conclusion: I’m going to bring my bike out here and ride the trails. I. thesisII. can go fastera. dangersb. takes skillIII. can go farthera. explore mountainsideb. don’t need to carry a lotIV. conclusion I have a mountain bike, but I’ve never ridden it in the mountains. I think it would be exciting to bring my bike out here and ride these trails. It would be much…

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The rock house

The rock house

Topic: the rock houseThesis: I like going there for a couple reasons. I. ThesisII. quiet and aloneIII. can meet other peopleIV. Conclusion Yesterday I went up to the rock house in the foothills for the first time in about 20 years. Here are some things I like about the rock house. One, I like that it is somewhere quiet and alone. The rock house is located at the foot of the mountains, outside the city. It’s beautiful to see the…

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Exciting cactus ideas

Exciting cactus ideas

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be given a modest weekly allowance for doing household chores.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should consult with their parents when they are choosing a major. I want to plant rows of cactus out in the badlands. You could do some pretty exciting things with that.Of course, you could harvest the fruit every year and make syrup and juice. In the Summer I would…

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Cactus fence

Cactus fence

For children, it is more important to study than to play.I want my own __. There is moisture in the atmosphere. The TV weather people were really happy that we’re going to get some rain.I visited the cactus fence I saw when I was driving by the other day. It turned out to be a public park under construction. No one was there and the gate wasn’t closed.I was interested in this cactus fence. I want my own cactus fence….

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