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Tag: animals

About Ben

About Ben

What do you do every morning? What are you focused on right now? What do you need to be happy? What are your long-term goals? Ben does something every morning, Works with others on group projects, Makes goals for himself, Appreciates working for fun.

What I want now

What I want now

How are you today? Good friends do what? Do you have good friends? What is a ‘responsibility’? Do you have many? At this point, what i want is pretty simple. To be in a place where I belong, with people who are good for me. And making a difference for someone else. If i can have that much, i’ll be satisfied.

Workin’ hard

Workin’ hard

What did you do today? Do you work hard? For what? What does your family do? My neighbor needs me to watch her dog. He’s old and needs someone to hang out with. Now i’m just living life like i was raised. With a dog, walking in the park, laying on the floor.

Make animals happy

Make animals happy

Where is your hometown? What makes you happy? Do you have a big family? Do you want kids? I love driving through the countryside and seeing farms. This man makes cows happy with the gift of music. Apples are very cheap.  You can feed a bear many apples. Seeing animals happy makes me happy.

Animal dream

Animal dream

Have you ever flown in an airplane? Do you write in a journal? What do you write about? How many hours do you sleep? Is it enough? I once dreamed that I was a migrating crane. These whales circle the ocean together.  What do they dream? This cat doesn’t hunt, but still needs 12-16 hours of sleep. Maybe you’ve dreamed about animals before.

Super cute

Super cute

How was your day today? What do you like about yourself? Do you have a scar? How did you get it? Today I enjoyed writing and watching cute animal videos. This dog has fake eyebrows on his face, and it’s super cute. I once fell out of a tree while trying to get a tennis ball. Writing lessons is what I enjoy most.  It’s my happy place.

Nice to meet you

Nice to meet you

What did you do today? We both like ________. I used to love watching ____. I taught classes in the morning like usual. Nice to meet you.  Are you from around here? My job is to give hugs.  I can give you a hug if you want. Hope you have a good rest of your day.

Dog walker

Dog walker

Do you pack a lunch? What do you like about your friends? My friends are very ___. What is the best job? I don’t often pack a lunch, but when I do I really enjoy eating it. This monkey enjoys sitting in a hot spring. These best friends love going to the park together. I’d like to eat a packed lunch at the park everyday.

Find words

Find words

Why do you want to practice English? What do you do when it rains? How do animals help us? What pet do you want? I can find words when I need to say something. An elephant is stuck in a mud pit. This puppy knows the song of wolves We can reach out and create bridges.

Close to others

Close to others

Do you like animals?  Do you have a pet? Who did you talk to today? Did you hug them? What other animals live a long time? Animals can feel closeness to others. This seal won’t stop hugging this diver. Tortoises love to eat green grass and guava fruit. It feels the same to them as it does to us.