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Tag: animals

Pet turtle

Pet turtle

A I wish I had a pet turtle.  A pet turtle would be a good thing for my life. A pet turtle would be a nice companion. We would eat meals together.  He would sit next to me and I would feed him small pieces of pizza.  We could also watch tv together while we are eating the pizza.  Eating pizza and watching tv is more fun with someone else.  Q. ____ would be a good thing for my life….

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Brown garden

Brown garden

A. The brown garden behind the gym is not empty.  If you go there you will find it is full of things.  They may not be green growing things in December.  They may be brown things.  They may be dead things.  But you step on the soft layer of wood chips and organic debris, and you think that the ground is full of insects and microorganisms. Your cushioned foot steps pass through the gate.  The cabbage that was left behind…

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Home to many

Home to many

Topic: this placeThesis: it is home to manyConclusion: I. TopicII. plants, animalsa. signs of lifeb. not aloneIII. mea. leaving tracksb. living hereIV. Conclusion The city is busy, so I went for a walk in the wild. Here is home to many. Everywhere around there are signs of life. The place is home to animals like rabbits and birds. There are trees and plants as well. Besides the plants and animals, there is also me. As I walk I leave my…

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Old horse corral

Old horse corral

Topic: old horse corralThesis: an old horse corral aroused my curiosity.Conclusion: Old remains are very interesting. I. ThesisII. Looked at ita. looks likeb. delapidatedIII. Stood insidea. whyb. beetleIV. Conclusion I saw the remains of an old horse corral while walking in the foothills. As soon as I noticed it, I went to look at it out of curiosity. When I came to it, I walked around it and looked at it. It looked like a bunch of delapidated posts. The…

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Periodical cicada

Periodical cicada

Topic: Cicada’s lifeThesis: Cicada’s life is weird.Conclusion: there’s always someone weirder I. ThesisII. Nymph stagea. digging formb. eats tree root sapIII. Adult stagea. new formb. mates and diesIV. Conclusion If you think your life cycle is weird, at least you’re not a periodical cicada. Their life cycle is really weird. If you were a periodical cicada, you’d spend 99.5% of your life as an underground nymph. You’d have big front legs that are good at digging. You’d eat the sap…

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Dog parks

Dog parks

Topic: Dog Park Thesis: The dog park is good for both dogs and people.Conclusion: If the city has an empty space and wants to put something there, they should consider a dog park. I. ThesisII. Dog parks help dogsa. exercise off a leashb. play with other dogsIII. Dog parks help peoplea. dog lets out energyb. socialize with other dog ownersIV. Conclusion A dog park is a park for dogs to play off-leash. It has a fence around the park so…

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Early aerial photography

Early aerial photography

Topic: early methods of aerial photography Thesis: These are some of the earliest forms of aerial photography.Conclusion: aerial photography has developed rapidly since then. I. ThesisII. Balloonsa. exampleb. 1858III. Pigeonsa. exampleb. 1907IV. Conclusion Early methods of aerial photography were developed long before airplanes. These are some of the earliest methods of aerial photography. Aerial photography first began in 1858. It was done using a balloon. It was the first photograph taken from the air. Next, pigeon photography was invented in…

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Agree or disagree: Zoos are good for the public.What makes someone a responsible adult? I can lay down on the ground and wiggle forward like a caterpillar.I can do most anything a caterpillar can do.I can sleep outside in my sleeping bag and and not pay rent.It’s so easy to do, I do it all the time.

Angle in the sky

Angle in the sky

Agree or disagree: TV is good for kids.How to greet a space alien? Maybe from a window. Maybe from over a wall.From somewhere I don’t see, someone else is also watching me.I looked up at the sky and saw an angle. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.Protecting our blue ball from way up high.

Yoga at the park

Yoga at the park

Parks are good for _____. I wish I did ____ everyday. I went to a park and sat in the grass.I sat under the shade of a tree and took off my shoes. I did some yoga.There were a few cars napping in the shade and a guy and his dog playing fetch across the park.It was so quiet that I heard myself think, “this ain’t so bad”.