
My magic door

My magic door

What are some movies about magic? Where would you go… to experience something different…to be with someone special…to be alone? This topic was inspired by the animated movie, “Howl’s Moving Castle”, which was based on a novel by the same name. The wizard Howl has a magic door which can open to 3 different places. [purchase_link id=”1536″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] There is a shop on my street that nobody can see except me. On the window of the building is…

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My Precious Possessions

My Precious Possessions

What are possessions? What do you have …that cost money… that was a special gift…that you need? What is more precious than any possession? My student told me about a pair of boots that her brother had bought for her. They meant a lot to her, because she knew that he’d paid a lot for them. This topic will be kind of like a show and tell. [purchase_link id=”1532″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] When I move, I pack everything into 3…

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How To Stay Safe

How To Stay Safe

What do you worry about? How can you stay safe…when driving in the city…when caring for a baby…when going to a party? Who can you call for help? This topic is easy to talk about because many obvious ideas easily come to mind, and anything can be a good answer. [purchase_link id=”1537″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I think I’m a pretty cautious person, but sometimes others think I take too many risks.  This lesson is about how to stay safe. I…

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Things that should be taught in school (but aren’t)

Things that should be taught in school (but aren’t)

What’s the most useful class you ever had in school? What should be taught in school…about money? …about health? ….about family? Would you ever want to become a teacher? This lesson is a discussion for university students and workers alike. I wrote it because it’s a conversation that I sometimes have with my friends. Maybe any math past basic algebra should be replaced with yoga and PE? [membership level=”0″] Remove watermarks from all lessons in the library by becoming a…

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Skills to succeed in university

Skills to succeed in university

What are your skills? What can you do in university to…get good grades? …make friends? …manage your time? What skills will help you after you graduate university? This is a good lesson topic for university students and those soon to become university students. [membership level=”0″] Remove watermarks from all lessons in the library by becoming a member here: [/membership] [membership] [/membership]

What to get your grandma this Christmas

What to get your grandma this Christmas

Gift giving is an art which has long eluded me. Perhaps I lack basic consideration. If you sometimes struggle to think of what to give, perhaps this lesson will help you. This is a simple conversation about what to give your grandma for Christmas, and the student will discuss what their grandma likes to do (…at home, …when she goes out, …and when they’re together). The student will consider 3 gift ideas that their grandma may like. [purchase_link id=”1605″ text=”Purchase”…

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Wearing shoes in the house is not clean

Wearing shoes in the house is not clean

Here is where my intercultural upbringing comes out in my lessons. Being Japanese American and seeing 2 different cultures, the differences were apparent when I was a child, but not until I became much older did they strike me. One small example is the practice of taking off your shoes when entering your house. It still feels like common sense to me, but this is not apparent to many in America. This lesson will be a conversation about the places…

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Ways to help the planet

Ways to help the planet

This lesson will help the student talk about helping the planet. How can we help the planet? (how can we…reduce waste? …reduce CO2 emissions? …protect wildlife?). The students will probably have half a dozen ideas right off the bat, allowing them to produce language and add to their vocabulary through conversation.

You should share your cake with us

You should share your cake with us

This is a fun one. When I first taught it I’d brought a piece of cake to class. I played the devil’s advocate, and the students had to make the arguments as to why I should share it with them. This lesson is kind of a dialogue between student and teacher. It’s a good lesson to practice persuasive speaking. [purchase_link id=”1595″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I got a cake to reward myself because I’m such a good teacher.  But should I…

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Being Prepared For Emergencies

Being Prepared For Emergencies

This lesson is for upper-intermediate and advanced students, and should introduce some new vocabulary. This is a good one if you want to challenge some advanced students. In the reading passages, I reference historical events that may intrigue advanced students. The student will have opportunity to discuss different kinds of emergencies, and how to be prepared: having a plan, having and escape and being ready for the worst that could happen. Enjoy! [purchase_link id=”1529″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Emergencies are serious,…

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