
Train ride

Train ride

One of the things we did in Hanoi was ride the train. There were many others on the train that day. There were many families with kids. We rode the whole line just for fun. The train is a good way to see the city. On the train you can get a long view of the city. You can see the landscape changing. I liked the train. I liked riding with people. I liked viewing the city. Q. What did…

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Legs like noodles

Legs like noodles

I was invited to go with a student’s family to Hanoi. I like Hanoi. We ate ice cream, rode the train, went to Lotte Mall. I followed the family everywhere they went. It was a lot of walking though. My legs were so tired and weak. The boy held my arm the whole time. I felt like a grandpa. It was fun. I liked seeing Hanoi again. Going with a family is more walking than I’m used to though. Q….

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Time to get a rice cooker

Time to get a rice cooker

I think it’s time to get a rice cooker for my room. I got sick recently when I ate out somewhere. Now I feel I need to know that my food is going to be safe. The best way to do that is to prepare it myself. Getting a rice cooker will also help me practice a simple lifestyle. I’ll be more independent because I’ll be cooking my own meals. I’ll also be eating meals which are simple and low…

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Walking around

Walking around

When you are walking or bicycling, you can see more of the world around you. Here is a sign that says, “hey this is a crosswalk. People are walking here. Slow down.” Here is a small lake with old men fishing. I hope I will be fishing when I am old. There are many things in the world which you can see when walking. Q. What is a mystery? Does your country have mysteries?Q. I hope that when I am…

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Historical stone structure

Historical stone structure

On a dark, cloudy day, my wandering feet brought me Westward, over the bridge, to the outskirts of the city. There on the quiet highway is a historical stone structure. It is a beautiful structure, but in such an odd place. There isn’t anything else around. Up a dark stair to the top, I climbed and stood above the highway. It felt dangerous. People in the past lived with danger more than we do now. I would have liked to…

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Old shoes

Old shoes

You may be wearing old shoes. And even though they are old, you may not want to replace them. Perhaps you are fond of them. I am fond of my shoes. I am fond of my bike. I am fond of this place I call home. I would like to keep wearing my shoes and riding my bike and calling this place home. Q. Are you fond of your shoes? Have you had them a long time?Q. Tell me about…

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The highway out of the city

The highway out of the city

The highway out of the city feels exciting. There are great big trucks on the highway North. They blare their horns and the ground shakes. On the roadside are big pots of steaming rice and chung cakes being wrapped and sold. I got one, and it was still warm. The highway out of the city is vibrant and chaotic. It feels fun. Q. Tell me about a big event in your life.Q. Have you ever wrapped a chung cake? What…

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Michi mart

Michi mart

Some nights, when it’s late and I feel hungry, I go to Michi mart for instant ramen. Michi mart is open 24/7. There’s a hot water dispenser and bowls and chopsticks that I can use. This frog is sitting and waiting for a bug. I almost stepped on it by accident. If you’re sitting awake at night and want to eat ramen, then you can go to Michi mart. Q. Did you eat dinner yet? Some people think junk food…

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In the shade

In the shade

I want to stay in the shade and lay in the cool soil like a worm. I looked under the weeds, and it looks comfortable under there. The worms are relaxing in the shade while I’m roasting out here like a peanut. If there were bun cha under the banana trees, then I’d stay there all day. I’d like to have what the worm has. Q. agree or disagree: I usually feel relaxed.Q. I’d like to have _.

Same things

Same things

Doing the same thing, following a pattern everyday, might be nice. Maybe eating the same thing for breakfast is a little boring. But the familiarity is nice. I wonder if I’ll still be doing the same thing when I am old. I imagine it would be nice. Q. What do you do regularly? Why?Q. How do you imagine yourself in old age?