
When the outside world comes in

When the outside world comes in

What is your major? What are the advantages (+) and disadvantages (-) of tourism? How has the outside world influenced your country? In your opinion, do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? [purchase_link id=”1589″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] The world is becoming increasingly connected.  People and information are mixing.  Global economics and media change our country. A lot of places in the world rely on this in-flow of tourism as a main source of income. The day Michael Jackson died, there were…

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Experiment in psychology

Experiment in psychology

What is psychology? What would be a perfect day for you? What do you do on your birthday? Would you like to be famous?  In what way? Who are some famous people? This lesson is about psychologist Arthur Aron’s study, “The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness“. You can read the full 36 questions in this New York Time’s article. Two strangers who had never met fell in love. They discussed 36 questions. Then they silently stared into each others’ eyes….

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Curry and rice

Curry and rice

Do you like curry and rice? What did you like to eat when you were a kid? Mixed together or separate? Curry and rice I used to eat this when i was a kid.  It’s one of my favorite dishes. We often got this for lunch at school in Japan. There are two schools of thought about eating curry and rice. Mixed together or separate? But someone I know says it’s whether to add potatoes.

Food tells a story

Food tells a story

Are you a good cook? Why eat traditional food? What do you eat when you’re sad? Does your family have a special food? [purchase_link id=”1539″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Often times, food tells a story.  Maybe it’s the story of how the food was first invented.  Or, it could be the story of the chef’s journey.  Today, let’s talk about some stories about food. In 1946, war broke out in Vietnam against the French, who occupied the country.  In response to…

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Other minds

Other minds

What was on your mind today? 3 ways to communicate with someone who speaks a different language. Why you should learn a foreign language. What is prejudice? [purchase_link id=”1554″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Our minds are unique, and unlike others’ minds.  Intelligence can be many things.  In today’s class, we’ll talk about some other minds very different from our own. Octopi are intelligent animals, but very far apart from humans on the evolutionary tree.  Their intelligence is not closely related to…

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Pets are good for kids

Pets are good for kids

Have you ever had a pet? Explain 2 reasons why pets are good for kids. How do you take care of a lover? What are ‘animal rights’? [purchase_link id=”1593″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I think that my dog had a good effect on me when I was growing up.  Now, I tend to think that pets are good for people, especially kids. In high school, I had a friend who was really smart.  He kept lots of different kinds of pets,…

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Money is important

Money is important

What is your major?  Why did you choose this? Choose 2 reasons to support why money is important. Other than money, what else is important to be happy? How much money is enough for you? [purchase_link id=”1581″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] In the 1960’s, there was a cultural movement which emphasized love and peace over money.  Many musicians defined this movement, which came to be known as the “hippy generation”. In America, 1890-1930, there were many homeless, jobless people.  Some of…

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Let’s hang out

Let’s hang out

Do you have a lot of friends? What do you do together with your friends? What shared hobbies? What is something that most others don’t know about you? How to find friends? [purchase_link id=”1544″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] “Are you free?  Want to hang out?”  Hanging out is a great way to get to know someone else.  It can also tell you a lot about yourself and what you like. Do you like going to karaoke bars?  Sometimes my friends want…

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Good days and bad days

Good days and bad days

How was your day? What did you do? Describe your perfect day. What would you be doing, and with whom? How to give someone else a boost? Who needs help today? Do you believe in Karma? [purchase_link id=”1556″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Everyone has good days and bad days.  Today we’ll discuss what a good day looks like for us, and what we can do to help others through bad days. I won’t ever forget the feeling I had on my…

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Quitting school, quitting work

Quitting school, quitting work

What stresses you out? How do you cope? Is university important? When will you graduate?  What will you do next?  How are you feeling about it? Have you ever quit a job? If I didn’t need a job or money, what would I do with my life? Have you completed anything difficult? [purchase_link id=”1540″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Oftentimes, when I’m stressed out, I want to quit what I’m doing.  When should I give up?  Never? When I was 20 years…

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