
Tree friends

Tree friends

Did you have a productive day? What do your friends like to do? How do you give back? I could have the best job ever, but if I don’t like my coworkers then… My friends can make me laugh.  We have fun together. We share with each other and enjoy what we have together. Any job can be a great job.  To me, what matters is who I’m with.

Nice to meet you

Nice to meet you

What did you do today? We both like ________. I used to love watching ____. I taught classes in the morning like usual. Nice to meet you.  Are you from around here? My job is to give hugs.  I can give you a hug if you want. Hope you have a good rest of your day.

Dog walker

Dog walker

Do you pack a lunch? What do you like about your friends? My friends are very ___. What is the best job? I don’t often pack a lunch, but when I do I really enjoy eating it. This monkey enjoys sitting in a hot spring. These best friends love going to the park together. I’d like to eat a packed lunch at the park everyday.

Familiar surroundings

Familiar surroundings

How was your day? What does your family eat? What groups do you belong to? Next week, I return home after a long time away. I want to go back and be in a place I know well. To reach out to my friends and family. And to find some work that is important to me and do it.

Find words

Find words

Why do you want to practice English? What do you do when it rains? How do animals help us? What pet do you want? I can find words when I need to say something. An elephant is stuck in a mud pit. This puppy knows the song of wolves We can reach out and create bridges.



What is your favorite meal? What did you eat today? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? At first it seems strange.  But actually it kind of makes sense. In Korean culture, meals were traditionally eaten together. But the way they eat has drastically changed with the modern lifestyle. So mukbang gives people the feeling of eating with others.

Use words

Use words

Did you have a good day today? My parents say to me: “___________”. Do you write?  What do you write about? My parents used to tell me “use your words”. If I was frustrated or had something to say. To speak with words, and tell what’s wrong. To communicate with words when there’s a problem.

Outlaw rodeo

Outlaw rodeo

How are you today? What are your hobbies? Did you go outside today? Back in the old days, we had it tough. It was too easy to fall into trouble. Easy to fall into trouble, but hard to get out. We did what we had to do to survive.

Make meals

Make meals

What did you do today? I need to buy ____.  I want to buy ____. Where do you live? Want to be a chicken farmer? why/why not? Today I had a good day.  I made myself a warm meal. I walked to the market and bought a whole chicken. After the first 1000 pizzas, you’ll be making them with your eyes closed. I used to work in a pizza shop, making warm meals every day.

Nature is beautiful

Nature is beautiful

What did you do today? Where would you like to travel? What do you do when you’re sad? I watch ___.  I read ___. Nature is beautiful.  Let’s imagine ourselves in nature. The ocean is full of strange and wonderful animals. There are many horses that still live in the wild. Life is precious, and our place matters.