
Good surprise

Good surprise

How are you today? Who do you live with? Do you like it? Where do you hang out? Do you hang out alone? It’s a good surprise for me to be where i am right now. Living together with my mom hasn’t been as hard as i thought. I was at the cafe with Sora for a couple hours today. I’m surprised at the people i have in my life now.

Make animals happy

Make animals happy

Where is your hometown? What makes you happy? Do you have a big family? Do you want kids? I love driving through the countryside and seeing farms. This man makes cows happy with the gift of music. Apples are very cheap.  You can feed a bear many apples. Seeing animals happy makes me happy.

Time freeze

Time freeze

Did you go out today? What do you do at home during lockdown? homework? I want to study _________. Why? Everything stopped again when we went into lockdown. Inside of my bubble, i have nothing but time. Time is moving slower, and I have nothing to distract me. I have a lot of time to do whatever I want. Inside my bubble

Animal dream

Animal dream

Have you ever flown in an airplane? Do you write in a journal? What do you write about? How many hours do you sleep? Is it enough? I once dreamed that I was a migrating crane. These whales circle the ocean together.  What do they dream? This cat doesn’t hunt, but still needs 12-16 hours of sleep. Maybe you’ve dreamed about animals before.

Doing what I like

Doing what I like

What did you do today? What did you play when you were a kid? What do you play now? Which do you prefer: being a student or being a worker? Seeing this bumblebee reminded me of when I was a kid. I used to love catching insects.  I’ve been stung by bees 5 times. Now I like laying in bed and writing in my notebook. I like that I can spend more time doing what I like.

Super cute

Super cute

How was your day today? What do you like about yourself? Do you have a scar? How did you get it? Today I enjoyed writing and watching cute animal videos. This dog has fake eyebrows on his face, and it’s super cute. I once fell out of a tree while trying to get a tennis ball. Writing lessons is what I enjoy most.  It’s my happy place.

Tree friends

Tree friends

Did you have a productive day? What do your friends like to do? How do you give back? I could have the best job ever, but if I don’t like my coworkers then… My friends can make me laugh.  We have fun together. We share with each other and enjoy what we have together. Any job can be a great job.  To me, what matters is who I’m with.

Nice to meet you

Nice to meet you

What did you do today? We both like ________. I used to love watching ____. I taught classes in the morning like usual. Nice to meet you.  Are you from around here? My job is to give hugs.  I can give you a hug if you want. Hope you have a good rest of your day.

Dog walker

Dog walker

Do you pack a lunch? What do you like about your friends? My friends are very ___. What is the best job? I don’t often pack a lunch, but when I do I really enjoy eating it. This monkey enjoys sitting in a hot spring. These best friends love going to the park together. I’d like to eat a packed lunch at the park everyday.

Familiar surroundings

Familiar surroundings

How was your day? What does your family eat? What groups do you belong to? Next week, I return home after a long time away. I want to go back and be in a place I know well. To reach out to my friends and family. And to find some work that is important to me and do it.