
About Ben

About Ben

What do you do every morning? What are you focused on right now? What do you need to be happy? What are your long-term goals? Ben does something every morning, Works with others on group projects, Makes goals for himself, Appreciates working for fun.

Stay active

Stay active

What did you do today? Do you like exercise? Do you watch football? What do you want for dinner? I’m not as active as I used to be. I used to ride my skateboard in the arroyos. Now I feel exhausted just from moving. I need to walk more. 

Be a bird

Be a bird

What did you eat today? Did you do anything fun today? In the fresh air? Have you ever eaten insects? Why eat insects? I wish I could teach from a park bench.  I could ride my bicycle around and stop at any park. I have a room.  I could grow insects. I could make money selling protein bars.

High school friend

High school friend

How was your week? What do you do now? Do you like it? What is a ‘positive goal’? Do you have goals? I met up with a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time. We were best friends in high school.  He has some gray hair now, and has gained some weight. But he’s still the same. We were able to talk again just like we used to.

New shoes

New shoes

How are you today? Do you wear nice clothes? How much do good shoes cost? Are you a student? Are stylish clothes important for students? So, today I found a great deal at the thrift store.  I got a nice pair of shoes for $8 and a button-up shirt for $5. I feel really clean and confident wearing them. I feel ready for new opportunities to come along.

Rust is gold

Rust is gold

What did you do today? Where do you live? Do you like it? Do you want to travel? Where? I’m back in ABQ, in a place I know well, near family and friends. I feel different, and more clear now about where I want to be. Now that I’m settling down, I feel more free in a way. More free to build long- lasting things in my life.

Expresso myself

Expresso myself

What time do you wake up? What do you talk about with your family? Do you have grandparents? How old are you? What do you want to learn? Inside my cup, I have strong coffee which I will drink.   Inside my head  are the words which I will write. This is a story that a man in New Mexico wrote. I also have words.

Hot outside

Hot outside

Did you do anything fun today? Was it hot today? Do you have air conditioning? Do you cook? What food do you cook? In the morning, I met my friend for coffee. We walked a long way.  It was very hot outside. In the afternoon, my sister and I went to the store. We made tacos for lunch.  I was hungry.

What I want now

What I want now

How are you today? Good friends do what? Do you have good friends? What is a ‘responsibility’? Do you have many? At this point, what i want is pretty simple. To be in a place where I belong, with people who are good for me. And making a difference for someone else. If i can have that much, i’ll be satisfied.

Creative outlet

Creative outlet

How is the weather today? Are you creative? What do you do? Do you take pictures with your phone? Of what? You need to be interested in something. You need to feed your mind.  It’s a living thing. Some people like to post cute selfies. It can be anything that makes you feel excited.