
Cat Angel

Cat Angel

Why paint the wall with a cat angel? I should spend more time _______. Cat angel, cat angel, this is for you. Nothing I could do, still I did this for you. The sun feels warm on my hat.  I glance often at the place where you sat. Goodbye angel cat

Telephone pole

Telephone pole

How tall are you? What music are you listening to? Why do you assume that I’m a telephone pole? Not everybody who’s tall is a telephone pole. I’m listening to my music.  You got a problem with that? These are all my friends.  You want to say something now?

On my way

On my way

Are your feet on a road? Where are you going? It is very difficult to change ____. I don’t feel lost, but I don’t know where I’m going. I can’t see it in the dark, but my feet are on a road. Sometimes I can see other roads, but I don’t know where they go either. Somehow I think my feet are going the right way.

Train to Belen

Train to Belen

How far is it to where you want to be? Do you have homework? Which class? After work, go to the station. Get on the train going South to Belen. Do homework at McDonalds.  Take a tarp and bedroll.  Anywhere that’s hidden you can sleep.

Can’t stay

Can’t stay

_____ can split up a relationship. What I need is _______. We can’t stop fighting. What you see is the tip of the iceberg.  There’s more going on below the surface. At the core of the matter is trust, and our trust has starved. I needed to get away.

City breakfast

City breakfast

My favorite place to eat breakfast is _________. I need a ___ to give me ___. My favorite place to eat breakfast is at the community center. I like it here because  it doesn’t matter who you are. I need a burrito to give me energy. When I go to sleep I’m looking forward to city breakfast.

Kangaroo rat

Kangaroo rat

Teach me a word in your language. I think a lot about ______. I am like a kangaroo rat. Under a hat, hiding from the sun. Rain-fed, walking down the ditch. On my way home to my cactus.

Self storage

Self storage

Breathing helps with ________. Do you have plans for tomorrow? Lately I’ve been coming to this park. In the early morning the sun is warm on my back. Lucky them they have a place to store themselves. Lucky me I don’t need or want that.

Hot rice sock

Hot rice sock

What does ‘long day’ mean? How was your day? Have you read Harry Potter? I borrowed this children’s book from the library. I’m not totally sure what this book is about. I need to lie down for a little bit. The hot rice sock warms my back so my muscles relax. I focused on my happiest thought. Expecto patronum!

Lost in thought

Lost in thought

What do you think about without trying? What 1 thing would you take to live alone on an island oasis? I’m going to the hardware store to buy a light bulb. I was walking down the path and getting lost in my thoughts. I was thinking about building an Earthship. I forgot to buy the lightbulb.