
Should be

Should be

I am good at ___ . I don’t care about ___ . I should be living alone on a mountain.I should be doing work, but I’m watching cartoons on youtube.The sun will give you wrinkles. You should put on a hat.I should be watching cartoons alone on a mountain.

I brow

I brow

It’s not too late to ________ .I really hope that _______. I shaved off my eyebrows and painted them higher up on my forehead.I don’t know. There were signs, but I didn’t see any reason to stop.I can see the skin of my brow. How odd that I never saw it before.No going back now. Now I look surprised all the time.

My likes

My likes

On my street I hear the sounds of __________. Home is where the ______ is. On my street I hear the sounds of the school grounds. This fan is blowing on my shirt, cooling my skin, keeping away the mosquitoes. This condensed milk gives my coffee the sweetness that I like, adding more to what I like. I don’t stray very far from home.  I’m staying close to my likes.



The 2 friends are drifting apart because _______. I talked about _____ with my friend. These boats are drifting down the river.I abandoned my plans, and now I’m drifting.Talking to my friends — coffee, tea, pens; that’s all I’m doing.I don’t know where I’m going.

Never stop, man

Never stop, man

I could ____ all day. Why do you care about learning English? you like rap? I could live a hundred years and not finish living. Every poem I finish, every time I look up from the page I see another poem. I want to be someone who knows what they’re here for. I want to do the best I can until I die.



Tell me about a stranger you remembered. Why did you remember them? What is the local noodle? Where is it found? The storm is deadly, but the swimmer is safe. Swimming like a pencil in the rain.  She got carried away, but now the sun is shining on her. Swimming like a bowl of noodles, better now than before, now better on her own. She is a swimmer.  She can ride the tide.

Moon over station

Moon over station

I am over the moon about _______. At night I hear the sound of ________. In-between day and night.  In-between here and there. The station platform is illuminated by lamplight. In-between not yet and already. Motionless except for my passing feet. The station platform is illuminated by moonlight.



Everyone would be happy if we got _______. Can you tell me where you want to go? Inglewood is where i stayed. A blue bug was sitting next to the green grass. I was walking up and down the same street. On the ground was left behind another’s  footsteps.

White beard

White beard

Something unique about me is ______. I need ____ to be happy. “I really am where I want to be, doing what I want to be doing. It’s hard to convince others that though.” “Convincing others isn’t important.  Do what you want. I camped for many years, and it’s my favorite way to live.” extended questions: what does “unique” mean?Something unique about me is . Something we have in common is . What are needs vs wants?What do people need…

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Blue store

Blue store

I am usually (early/late) because ________ . Take what 3 things with you to someplace unknown. You can store your stuff. It doesn’t mean that you can store your self. There is cctv which we watch from the main office. No living in your unit.  No standing inside your unit.