
It can snow here

It can snow here

If it rains I will _ tomorrow. All you need for _ is x + y. Some people are surprised that it can snow in the desert.But we can get snow if there’s water.Temperatures range from very hot to very cold. Winter nights can be below freezing.All you need for snow is freezing temperatures and precipitation.

Bus rider

Bus rider

Today I need to do . Today I went to _. When you ride the bus, it takes all day to do just a few things.I like it because I feel less busy that way.Today I went to the fabric store to look for a part for my sewing machine.I didn’t find it, but I had time to myself and I stopped for a slice of pizza. Do you ride the bus?it takes all day to __.What did you do…

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Presser foot

Presser foot

I want to go to _ and stay a long time. It’s a good idea to carry a notebook for _. I’m still doing the same sort of things I grew up doing.With my backpack, going somewhere quiet and staying there a long time.Absorbed in my thoughts, making plans in my notebook.But as an adult you can’t always be gone sitting in some park. Where do you spend most of your time?What do you do when you have free time?I…

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Far away

Far away

The air is filled with the sounds of _.Tell me something good about next week. Right now it’s Tet holiday in Vietnam.I can hear the gravel sound of my footsteps over the stillness.The temperatures are forecast to drop next week.I turn my body toward the sun to absorb more warmth.

Quigley park

Quigley park

Something I recently learned was _.Why do people like karaoke? Every way you turn there’s more noise and cars.But here there is a quiet pocket that I didn’t know about.It was quiet, though I could hear the muffled sound from beyond.This tree here looks like a marble statue. something I recently learned was . someone who taught me a lot was _.I can teach what? I can hear the sound of _ now.Do you like to sing?what songs can you…

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Triangle plastic

Triangle plastic

My favorite time of year is . 100 years from now _. Here the dinosaurs once stood.The interstate rumbles beneath my feet.This ancient artifact was once used to be seen at night.Here the humans once stood. my favorite time of year is __.If you could go back to any time…Why? what is a mystery?What mysteries do you think about?100 years from now _.

Cloud cover

Cloud cover

Do you like this weather?I have a picture in my head of __. The clouds cover the sky like a thick blanket.Under the cloud cover, the city feels dim and grey.I’m trying to put together where I want to be.I’m going to go ride my bike around under the clouds.

Must enjoy

Must enjoy

Do you want to adopt a cat?It’s ok to cancel your day for __. The cat is sleeping on my lap so comfortably.I can’t stand up and disturb the cat.What if I stood up and the cat never forgot it.I would be sorry if the cat didn’t sit in my lap again.

New jacket

New jacket

Home is where the _ is. I feel ready to __. I got a jacket. Look at the one I found.It’s so big, it’s like being in a cave. I feel like I’m indoors.I also got snow pants, so I look like a walking marshmallow.Now I feel both warmer and safer.

Tennis court

Tennis court

Where do you want to walk to?I need to find a _. People don’t like it when you stand in front of their house.But the fence is warm facing the Winter sun.So just sit like a cactus by a different fence and absorb the winter sun.I don’t want anyone standing in front of my fence either.