
Severe Winter weather

Severe Winter weather

Have you experienced extreme weather?Are you someone who is generally well-prepared? On the news it said that there could be snow.The clouds were like a thick blanket. I was standing on the platform in the freezing wind.I wore warm clothes, and was glad I did.I get comfortable and don’t want to leave.

Strong sunset

Strong sunset

How is cake made?Where have I seen a sunset? The atmosphere was on fire at 6:02 pm yesterday.As we were working in the food truck.It floored me when I saw it. The whole park was crimson and yellow.Then we finished our work and went home like everything was still the same.

Outer space

Outer space

Should you go to outer space?Do you want to live in a spaceship or a submarine? Our eyes see very little.Driving in a car you see lines and signs, the road and other cars.There are spaces that are seen less.Sounds here are heard only by dogs.

Free firewood

Free firewood

If you could choose to have wings but must live outside…Drinking coffee makes me _. Someone didn’t want a bunch of local wood.The crows are interested in it. They are very cunning animals.The local wood burns giving off a wonderful aroma.I would fly to the countryside

Winter day walk

Winter day walk

February reminds me of _. I must remember to . It is February 12. At 12pm I am walking due South on Louisiana Blvd.I passed by these shadows in the canal. They reminded me of gingerbread houses.I am in the open, and my eyes and ears are open.I must not forget to look where I’m going. Did you walk anywhere today?What is the weather like in February?February reminds me of _. what do you see when you walk out your…

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Food park games

Food park games

The cold weather means . The food truck park needs _. People only eat at this park.There are no games to play.The food trucks need games for people to play.People should be playing and eating here.

Food truck cashier

Food truck cashier

How do you like your new job?It’s strange how _. I woke up this morning and went to my first day of work at my new job.I’m a cashier in a food truck, working at a food truck park which I helped build.My old boss is the operations manager at a church, which rents the land to the food truck park.If I organize the toolshop, then I can live in it for the rest of the winter.

Bicycle repair

Bicycle repair

Do you know how to fix a bicycle?It was freezing outside, but _. I went all the way to the West side today.I went to a free bike clinic to get my wheel fixed.On the way back it was dark and snowing.The street lights illuminated the snow flakes beautifully.

Don’t need a car

Don’t need a car

I like the train because . I can live without __. I don’t need a car to get home.I can take the train to Belen.…and I have a bike locker at the Belen station.I can get home by train and bike.

Belen finally

Belen finally

I’ve been trying to . I want my life to have . I’m finally getting to Belen.I’ve been trying to get back to my place in the desert.…and back to mooning over train stations too.Just been trying to get to where I need to be.