
Here smell

Here smell

I like the smell of . What is a normal day for you? Every place has it’s own air.I could tell New Mexico from Tokyo from Thailand just by smell.There are some smells so faint that I don’t know I’m smelling them. But they’re there and they make here smell different.Every place has a unique mix of smells.

Water table

Water table

A room is cozy if ____, ____ and ____.I have time to do what? Out there the volcanic rock is getting wet.Rabbits and tortoises are already safely in their homes under the earth.I’m inside here until I can go outside.When the rain stops I will walk home.

March weather

March weather

Did you walk outdoors today?I decided to _. First a snowstorm, then clear blue skies, then another snowstorm.The weather can’t seem to make up its mind.The food park closed for the weather, so I had a free half day.The weather is unpredictable, so I dress warm.

Balloon ride

Balloon ride

I’ve lived here long enough that ____ . I’m waiting for ____. I want to ride in a hot air balloon.The out-of-towners were excited when they saw one pass by.They say that if you volunteer a lot they’ll sometimes pick you up.I’m just here waiting for a ride.

Why the ditch

Why the ditch

Is fear good?Be able to transform or become invisible? I can’t relax when walking next to cars.of course part of it is not wanting to get hit by a car.It’s also the feeling of being seen by people you can’t’s a relief to be well-hidden.

Where is this

Where is this

Where are you trying to be?Have you ever been homesick? I want to go and I want to stay.This cactus knows where it wants to go.When your thoughts are somewhere else, you’re half here and half there.The heart is all windows.

A walk

A walk

How do you wake up?What did you see today? A walk is a single day.The cold air wakes you up.You see bright colors and changing scenery.and you end up where you started but with a new perspective.

Eye don’t know

Eye don’t know

What do you take pictures of?A beautiful place is __. The eyes don’t know what a drainage ditch is.The brain reads the light and thinks, “drainage ditch”.I think the shadows in the drainage ditch are pleasing to the eye.The shadowns in the ditch don’t know what pleasing is.

Drainage ditch 1

Drainage ditch 1

If you could hear what dogs hear . I wish I could talk to _. Only the tops of trees can be seen over the walls.The morning sun casts shadows in the ditch.Dogs are barking, trees are peering at me. Cars can be heard faintly in the distance.I put peanut butter on every vegetable.

Severe Winter weather

Severe Winter weather

Have you experienced extreme weather?Are you someone who is generally well-prepared? On the news it said that there could be snow.The clouds were like a thick blanket. I was standing on the platform in the freezing wind.I wore warm clothes, and was glad I did.I get comfortable and don’t want to leave.