
Asteroid in space

Asteroid in space

If you didn’t need sleep, how would you spend your nights?What photo is special to you? When I’m bicycling a long distance, my thoughts can stretch a long distance.The steady motion of my feet puts me to sleep somehow. I am dreaming but awake, and I am almost unaware of bicycling.My memories are snapshots of places between here and there, but I don’t know when or where. It becomes hard to remember where I’ve been.An asteroid in space passing other…

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Do you remember what happened the day before yesterday?I once found _. I blinked and it was morning.The full moon flew across the night sky in less than a second. Somehow I was fast enough to catch a photo of it before it was gone.I tried on many pairs of shoes at the store, but couldn’t find one that fit. Then I found a pair of brand new shoes that someone left on the bus stop bench. They fit perfectly.Somehow…

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Quiet side street

Quiet side street

I would like to walk down a quiet street with (who).How to be a considerate person. If you take the long way, through the neighborhoods on quiet side streets.You see where people live, and it’s more interesting than the noise on the main road.You’re in better company on the side street. Gardens with plants growing side by side.But the main road will take you out of town and drop you on the sand.

Good find

Good find

What about you tells where you’re from?I am glad I found __. I immediately recognized this image on a shelf in a thriftstore.This is from Vietnam. The paper label in the protective plastic sleeve confirms it.The weather that day was very windy. The dust in the air made the sky glow softly red.The whole day had a feeling of something unexpected.

Boiled egg

Boiled egg

How hot did it get today? Do you like this weather?Why don’t people come out? Where have you sat for hours? I can wash my clothes in the sink before I go to work.The sun is hot and the air is dry. I don’t need a drier; the clothes will be dry.It was 93 F today, and next week it will be 100 F. People don’t come out for food trucks in this heat. We sat there all day.How many…

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Moving forward

Moving forward

Are you patient? It took me a long time to _.Do you change a lot or stay the same? A snail looks stopped, but it is still moving.You need to slow down to see it. There’s someone waiting at the bus stop.His 2 eyes see to one side. He slowly knows where to go.But the way forward is not clear.

Small steps

Small steps

Have you changed a lot since you were a kid?What is something that you do everyday? Small steps can go a long distance.The apples are a little bigger each time I pass by.The ants are doing lots of work, but a little at a time.All you need is to be consistent.

Flip phone life

Flip phone life

What don’t I have? Why is it a hindrance to employment? How does it affect what I experience everyday?Why did I quit my toilet-cleaning job? Should I get a car? Have you ever quit a job? Why? I like not having a car. I like bicycling everywhere. But it is a hindrance to employment. Same with not having a smartphone.Just not having a smartphone and a car, it determines where I will go and what I can do and a…

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Things Around Me Now

Things Around Me Now

I’m surprised at what my life is like now. The things around me that I didn’t expect to have.Takako-san was trying to take a picture of the moon. The moon rising over the mountains appeared very large. I showed her how to zoom the camera.In the morning I am walking down a side-street. I see a garden in someone’s yard. The fruit tree was in the center of many purple flowers.Around my life now I see some good things that…

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Weird animal

Weird animal

Did you see any animals today?My heart was pounding in my chest after __. If you see a weird animal, just keep calm.It’s probably more scared of you than you are of it.The shadows are almost still, barely moving.Don’t be scared. You’re a weird animal too.