
Dead lizard

Dead lizard

I’m uncertain about _.Is it better to take risks? Went to the bus stop, but didn’t get on the bus.At the bus stop, I decided to go back home. Halfway home I changed my mind again. I kept going back and forth.I’m uncertain about the future. I’m not following any direction.The only direction now is Belen. I don’t know how it is I go.

Tap the root

Tap the root

Observing wildlife is good because _.If you saw a rat in your house, what would you do? It is cool and dark underground, even on a hot day.The sunlight burns the surface of the sand, but the tunnels below the surface are cool and dark.In a dry gully growing in deep, coarse sand, is a flower with a deep taproot.I long to dig down and tap the root. I wish to enter a tunnel in a hill under the sun.

Wild beetle

Wild beetle

are people happier now than in the past?Why is it good to buy flowers? I want to inhabit the wild sagebrush in the high desert.And be as happy as a beetle with everything plentiful and free.I’ll watch distant clouds approaching, and smell the changes in the air.And be hiding under my shiny shell, in the brush, safe and sound.

Mondays off

Mondays off

Where to spend the day in your city?What day do you look forward to? Now I am lying in the grass at today’s favorite location.Where a park, a library, and a good place to eat are all in walking distance.I’ve emerged from the food truck weekend into a Monday with no obligations.I picked one place to be all day, and it was here that I picked.

Yellow brick road

Yellow brick road

I want to follow . I want to live like _. This spider knows where it wants to go.It decided its future lies down this yellow brick road.If I live like a lizard in the sand well that’s because I want to.A spider has somewhere to go and a lizard has somewhere to stay.

metal roof

metal roof

Why wear hats?All I need is _. The sun burns, but it can’t burn this roof.The metal is a shield against the sun’s attack.I wish I could build a roof like this and live under it rent-free.If you have a dream you should chase it.

Asteroid in space

Asteroid in space

If you didn’t need sleep, how would you spend your nights?What photo is special to you? When I’m bicycling a long distance, my thoughts can stretch a long distance.The steady motion of my feet puts me to sleep somehow. I am dreaming but awake, and I am almost unaware of bicycling.My memories are snapshots of places between here and there, but I don’t know when or where. It becomes hard to remember where I’ve been.An asteroid in space passing other…

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Do you remember what happened the day before yesterday?I once found _. I blinked and it was morning.The full moon flew across the night sky in less than a second. Somehow I was fast enough to catch a photo of it before it was gone.I tried on many pairs of shoes at the store, but couldn’t find one that fit. Then I found a pair of brand new shoes that someone left on the bus stop bench. They fit perfectly.Somehow…

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Quiet side street

Quiet side street

I would like to walk down a quiet street with (who).How to be a considerate person. If you take the long way, through the neighborhoods on quiet side streets.You see where people live, and it’s more interesting than the noise on the main road.You’re in better company on the side street. Gardens with plants growing side by side.But the main road will take you out of town and drop you on the sand.

Good find

Good find

What about you tells where you’re from?I am glad I found __. I immediately recognized this image on a shelf in a thriftstore.This is from Vietnam. The paper label in the protective plastic sleeve confirms it.The weather that day was very windy. The dust in the air made the sky glow softly red.The whole day had a feeling of something unexpected.