
Mountain biking II

Mountain biking II

Topic: Mountain bikingThesis: playing in the mountains is good for you.Conclusion: Slightly offset by the possibility of being eaten by bears. I. ThesisII. old people I saw mountain bikinga. looked strongb. seemed happyIII. I feel strongera. mind has more energyb. not as stressedIV. Conclusion I tried riding my mountain bike on the trails in the foothills, and after that experience I became convinced that mountain bikes are the key to long life and happiness. Riding the mountain bike in the…

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Cactus fruit seller

Cactus fruit seller

In my dry climate, cactus farming makes sense. Cactus can help preserve water and soil. Because it is adapted to the desert environment, it can grow happily with very little water. It is also a perennial plant, so it doesn’t require replanting every year. Cactus produces fruit whic Cactus grows wild in the foothills. I was thinking that it would be cool to collect cactus fruit and sell it. Cactus grows without any help. It doesn’t need extra water or…

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Mountain biking

Mountain biking

topic: bycycling on trails.thesis: It would be exciting to ride my bike on mountain trails.conclusion: I’m going to bring my bike out here and ride the trails. I. thesisII. can go fastera. dangersb. takes skillIII. can go farthera. explore mountainsideb. don’t need to carry a lotIV. conclusion I have a mountain bike, but I’ve never ridden it in the mountains. I think it would be exciting to bring my bike out here and ride these trails. It would be much…

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Dog parks

Dog parks

Topic: Dog Park Thesis: The dog park is good for both dogs and people.Conclusion: If the city has an empty space and wants to put something there, they should consider a dog park. I. ThesisII. Dog parks help dogsa. exercise off a leashb. play with other dogsIII. Dog parks help peoplea. dog lets out energyb. socialize with other dog ownersIV. Conclusion A dog park is a park for dogs to play off-leash. It has a fence around the park so…

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The rock house

The rock house

Topic: the rock houseThesis: I like going there for a couple reasons. I. ThesisII. quiet and aloneIII. can meet other peopleIV. Conclusion Yesterday I went up to the rock house in the foothills for the first time in about 20 years. Here are some things I like about the rock house. One, I like that it is somewhere quiet and alone. The rock house is located at the foot of the mountains, outside the city. It’s beautiful to see the…

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Early aerial photography

Early aerial photography

Topic: early methods of aerial photography Thesis: These are some of the earliest forms of aerial photography.Conclusion: aerial photography has developed rapidly since then. I. ThesisII. Balloonsa. exampleb. 1858III. Pigeonsa. exampleb. 1907IV. Conclusion Early methods of aerial photography were developed long before airplanes. These are some of the earliest methods of aerial photography. Aerial photography first began in 1858. It was done using a balloon. It was the first photograph taken from the air. Next, pigeon photography was invented in…

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Telephone and teleport

Telephone and teleport

Topic: Diff between telephone and teleport Thesis: They have a couple important differences.Conclusion: Keep in mind that you CAN telephone to the moon, but you CAN’T teleport to the moon (yet). I. ThesisII. Telephonea. how it worksb. invented alreadyIII. Teleporta. how it worksb. not yet inventedIV. Conclusion Don’t confuse ‘telephone’ and ‘teleport’. These two technologies have a couple important differences. Telephone is for voice calls and IM. It works by wire or wireless signal. Telephone has already been invented, and…

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Portal to the Moon

Portal to the Moon

There is usually a feeling of transition when walking under a bridge. But this time I walked under a bridge and unknowingly entered through a portal to the moon. When my feet crossed that line, the sun disappeared. The temperature dropped. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could see a massive stone ceiling that was vibrating over me. Q. Agree or disagree: It is more relevant for students to study art and literature rather than science and Maths….

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Turkey sandwich

Turkey sandwich

I. Reasons why packing my lunch is a smart choiceII. Saves moneyIII. Better for my stomachIV. A good choice that’s easy to do Q. Some say that the world would be a better place now if the automobile had never been invented. Decide if you agree or disagree with this statement and give specific reasons for your decision.Q. Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt. Explain your choice, using specific reasons…

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Riparian habitat

Riparian habitat

Riparian habitat The riparian habitat is dense and rich with species of animals and plants. There are cottonwood trees, wild sunflowers, reeds, grasses, frogs and dragonflies among many others. Q. Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? As I stood on the river bank, I spied on the opposite bank an old man walking among the reeds. Q. Do…

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