
999 Market

999 Market

Topic: buying ingredientsThesis: took a long time at 999 market.Conclusion: I got everything on the list. I. ThesisII. obscure itemsIII. communication barriersIV. Conclusion I was sent to the 999 market to buy ingredients for the egg rolls. It took me a really long time to get everything. A lot of the items on my list were obscure to me. I had never heard of a vegetable called taro. I also needed to get thin vermiceli and black dried mushrooms. There…

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Water lines

Water lines

Topic: water lineThesis: lines used to manage waterConclusion: haven’t invented wireless yet I. ThesisII. municipal lineIII. drip lineIV. Conclusion Water management is very important. For managing water, a system of water lines is used. A fire hidrant is a point on a line. Houses and buildings with running water are connected to other points on the water line. When you turn the knob on the faucet, water comes out. Drip irrigation is another system of water lines. It is much…

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nm sky

nm sky

Topic: NM skyThesis: cherish NM skyConclusion: may not always have it I. ThesisII. sky and airIII. soundIV. Conclusion There are many qualities about the high desert of New Mexico which I cherish. But when I have not been here for a long time, I miss most the NM sky and atmosphere. At 1.5 km above sea level, Albuquerque is much closer to the sun. The sky is big and almost surrounds us. You can see 10 miles into the distance…

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Home to many

Home to many

Topic: this placeThesis: it is home to manyConclusion: I. TopicII. plants, animalsa. signs of lifeb. not aloneIII. mea. leaving tracksb. living hereIV. Conclusion The city is busy, so I went for a walk in the wild. Here is home to many. Everywhere around there are signs of life. The place is home to animals like rabbits and birds. There are trees and plants as well. Besides the plants and animals, there is also me. As I walk I leave my…

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Memorable field trips

Memorable field trips

Topic: Field tripsThesis: Here are some of my most memorable field trips.Conclusion: I. ThesisII. Sweet potato farmIII. Valles calderaIV. Conclusion Everyone probably remembers going on field trips back in elementary school. Here are some memorable field trips I went on. In my first grade, our class went on a field trip to a sweet potato farm. We all got to dig up sweet potatoes. It was exciting, like searching for hidden prizes. In my third grade, we went to a…

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Fall is here

Fall is here

Topic: Fall is hereThesis: It’s beginning to feel like Fall.Conclusion: Time to think about clothes. I. ThesisII. Winda. shaking truckIII. Chilla. when I woke upb. just my face is coldIV. Conclusion It has been Fall officially for 10 days now. Yesterday and this morning, it finally felt like Fall had arrived. Yesterday it was very windy. The gusts were very strong. The truck was buffeted and rocked back and forth until about 9pm, then the wind just stopped and it…

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Old horse corral

Old horse corral

Topic: old horse corralThesis: an old horse corral aroused my curiosity.Conclusion: Old remains are very interesting. I. ThesisII. Looked at ita. looks likeb. delapidatedIII. Stood insidea. whyb. beetleIV. Conclusion I saw the remains of an old horse corral while walking in the foothills. As soon as I noticed it, I went to look at it out of curiosity. When I came to it, I walked around it and looked at it. It looked like a bunch of delapidated posts. The…

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Between day and night

Between day and night

Topic: between day and nightThesis: has special beautyConclusion: of transformation The day and night are both beautiful. There is a special time between day and night which has a special beauty. The sunset is the ending of the day. The sun casts warm colors underneath the clouds. As the light fades, the distant lights of the city grow bright like jewels. The moon rises soon after in the East, and casts a pale white light over the hills. The temperature…

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Hamburger job

Hamburger job

Topic: hamburger jobThesis: Good things about working at the hamburger job.Conclusion: Have to learn a lot for the job. I. ThesisII. Proximitya. in the same food parkb. save money on gasIII. Free meala. hamburger and friesb. choose what I want to eatIV. Conclusion I got a part time job at a hamburger food truck. I had been undecided for a long time about where to get a second job, but finally picked this hamburger job. These were factors in my…

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Periodical cicada

Periodical cicada

Topic: Cicada’s lifeThesis: Cicada’s life is weird.Conclusion: there’s always someone weirder I. ThesisII. Nymph stagea. digging formb. eats tree root sapIII. Adult stagea. new formb. mates and diesIV. Conclusion If you think your life cycle is weird, at least you’re not a periodical cicada. Their life cycle is really weird. If you were a periodical cicada, you’d spend 99.5% of your life as an underground nymph. You’d have big front legs that are good at digging. You’d eat the sap…

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