


Topic: spaghettiThesis: spaghetti is good to know how to make.Conclusion: most of all it tastes great. I. IntroII. convenientIII. inexpensiveIV. Conclusion Even if you aren’t a cook, you should know how to make spaghetti. This dish is really good to know how to make. One good thing about making spaghetti is that it is easy. Just boil the dry noodles, drain them, and add the canned spaghetti sauce and hotdog. Add to that the fact that spaghetti is one of…

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Buying in bulk

Buying in bulk

Topic: buying in bulkThesis: it is goodConclusion: some limitations Buying in bulk means buying a large quantity of something. It’s good to buy in bulk. One reason that buying in bulk is good is it saves money to buy in bulk. For example, I bought the biggest jar of peanut butter at the store. It is more peanut butter per dollar for the biggest jar than the smallest jar. It also saves time and work. This jar of peanut butter…

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People do different things for fun. I don’t watch sports or go to concerts. Instead, I like something else. I like to go thrifting. That’s shopping at secondhand stores. I like to find unique items. I want to keep my living space organized and free of clutter. So I am careful about what I collect. A day at the thrift store is a lot of fun. Next time you should join me and we can thrift together. Q. What do…

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Remote terrestrial drone as an entertainment service

Remote terrestrial drone as an entertainment service

Remote terrestrial drone as a service I. have a biz ideaII. what is the serviceIII. how it would be doneIV. what benefit I had a business idea that I want to share. Imagine a website where you can connect to and control a remote control toy truck in the desert wilderness. You can see what the toy truck sees with its camera. You could race around the sagebrush and chase grasshoppers. The remote control truck will have a smartphone with…

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In the company of things

In the company of things

Things can keep you company much like people. When you are alone and the only sound is the rain on the windows, you’re not alone. There is the window. A candle is being a warm light beside me. It is breathing in and speaking in a flickering light, talking silently. A styrofoam board has learned a new word. It’s mind is running back to echoes. I am not alone in this truck. There are many things to talk to. Q….

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Non-essential utilities

Non-essential utilities

Topic: essentialsThesis: essentials I wish to haveConclusion: don’t have all I want I. IntroII. fresh-cut flowersIII. baked bread smellIV. Conclusion I have my essential utilities — gas and water. But here are some other, less-essential utilities I wish I had. I would wish for flower service. Once per week, the flower service would place fresh-cut flowers in my home. I would then wish for a banana phone. With the banana phone, nobody ever calls you. You can put it in…

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Other worlds in stories

Other worlds in stories

Topic: other worlds in storiesThesis: sci-fi and fantasy differentConclusion: enjoy both I. IntroII. Sci-FiIII. FantasyIV. Conclusion I like stories about other worlds. Sci-Fi and Fantasy each have a different type of other world. In Sci-Fi stories, the other world may be another planet. It may be the future. There may be space travel and alien life. In Fantasy stories, the other world may be a separate or hidden magical reality. There may be dragons and elves. It is fun to…

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Gas Stove

Gas Stove

Topic: gas stoveThesis: happy with my new gas stoveConclusion: expands my comfort and security. I. IntroII. heat waterIII. Cook more foodIV. Conclusion I got a gas stove. I am very happy with it. I can now heat a lot of water quickly. On Winter nights I can stay warm with a gallon jug of hot water in my sleeping bag. I can cook with more heat, which means I can eat better food. For example, I can now make steak,…

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Walking in leaves

Walking in leaves

Topic: senseswalking on leaves is a suprising and memorable sensationI hope I walk in the leaves a long time I. IntroII. the sensation feels new every time.a. sight, soundIII. awakens the senses to other suprises as wella. jell-o cupIV. Conclusion We experience the world through our senses. Many good sensations are at once memorable and suprising; the sensation of walking on leaves is one. The sensation feels new every time, even though it is one I experience every year. It…

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U Pull It

U Pull It

U Pull ItJunk cars go to U Pull It. I. introIi. What you can do there.Iii. Didn’t get the part I neededIv. Conclusion. If you’ve ever wondered where cars go when they become junÄ·, then follow me to the U Pull It. It’s called U Pull It because you can go find the auto part you need and pull it. There are thousands of junk cars with missing engines and doors. “Today our sky is cloud covered. It will be…

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