

Program script

Welcome, welcome. Thank you all for coming. Let’s get started.
Today is {DayOfWeek}, {mm/dd/yyyy}. The weather in {city} is {weather} and temperature is {temperature}.

Today’s lesson is called {LessonName}. It is about {Topic}.

{Screen sharer}, please turn to the next slide. Ok, I’ll read this first, then can {FirstStudent} please read it after me? … Thank you. {Screen sharer}, please turn to the next slide. Thank you.

Ok, {NextStudent}, can you please describe what you see? … Ok, can you tell me a sentence or two about something you see? … great! Thank you.

{Screen sharer}, please play audio A. It is located on the post page below the lesson slides.

<Listen to audio A.>

Will {screen sharer} please turn to the next slide?

I will read the text, then will {NextStudent} please read it after me? … Great!
{Screen sharer}, please turn to the next slide.

Time for breakout groups. We will divide into groups of 2 or 3 (or 3 or 4) and discuss this question: {Question1}. The breakout will last about 7 minutes.  Ready, set, go! …


Welcome back, welcome back. You were in the breakout rooms talking about {question1}, would {NextStudent} like to share something about this? … Great, thank you. {Screen sharer}, please turn to the next slide.

Ok, let’s listen to audio B. {Screen sharer}, please play audio B located on the post page below the lesson slides.

<Listen to audio B.>

{Screen sharer}, please turn to the next slide.

Ok, {NextStudent}, I will read this text, and will you please read it after me? … Thank you.

{Screen sharer}, please turn to the next slide.

Time for the second breakout! In this breakout, you will be discussing this question: {question2}. The breakout will last about 7 minutes. Ready, set, go! …


Welcome back, welcome back. You were in the breakout rooms talking about {question2}, would {NextStudent} care to share something about this? … Great, thank you. {Screen sharer}, please turn to the next slide.

{NextStudent}, I’ll read this first, and can you read it after me? … Great, thank you.

{Screen sharer}, please turn to the next slide. That’s all for today’s lesson.

Thank you all for joining today, it is appreciated. You are welcome to join the next meeting on {NextMeetingDay}. You can join by going to If you scroll down the front page you will find the calendar. That is the meeting calendar. Here is today. And our next meeting is {NextMeetingDay}. You can click the event in the calendar and the Zoom meeting link will pop up. You can click that to join the next meeting.

Feel free to join, feel free to invite a friend, and hope to see you all again. Bye!

Program script.pdf