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These slides are for our free group class. They are multi-lingual–the flags are language buttons.

Cloud cover

Cloud cover

Do you like this weather?I have a picture in my head of __. The clouds cover the sky like a thick blanket.Under the cloud cover, the city feels dim and grey.I’m trying to put together where I want to be.I’m going to go ride my bike around under the clouds.

Must enjoy

Must enjoy

Do you want to adopt a cat?It’s ok to cancel your day for __. The cat is sleeping on my lap so comfortably.I can’t stand up and disturb the cat.What if I stood up and the cat never forgot it.I would be sorry if the cat didn’t sit in my lap again.

New jacket

New jacket

Home is where the _ is. I feel ready to __. I got a jacket. Look at the one I found.It’s so big, it’s like being in a cave. I feel like I’m indoors.I also got snow pants, so I look like a walking marshmallow.Now I feel both warmer and safer.

Tennis court

Tennis court

Where do you want to walk to?I need to find a _. People don’t like it when you stand in front of their house.But the fence is warm facing the Winter sun.So just sit like a cactus by a different fence and absorb the winter sun.I don’t want anyone standing in front of my fence either.

Crazy beautiful park

Crazy beautiful park

Public parks are good because __.What time did the sun set today? The trees at this park are crazy beautiful.In the winter you can see the branches.The winter sun is low and casts long shadows.I guess I’ll walk around the park then go home.

On a track

On a track

The train is a good way to travel because _.Do you have goals? When you’re on track, you can only go forward or backward.When I was in school, there was a clear track to follow to graduate.After I graduated though, there wasn’t any track.You have to know what you want.

Train tomorrow

Train tomorrow

Do you want to be a bird or a mammal?If I had more arms I would __ . My train of thought follows the path of least resistance.Hey look at that. The sky is tearing in two.I know it’s a telephone pole. I can see its smooth sides.My train leaves tomorrow.

Garbage day

Garbage day

Why are garbage cans bigger in America?Do you work better late night or early morning? Garbage day comes once a week.The garbage cans are always full.Here comes the dump truck early in the morning.When the dump truck stops coming, it will be garbage mountain.

Urban garden

Urban garden

Can you garden?Do you have grandparents? I saw a gardener in South Central LA.I was walking through the neighborhood, and I saw a yard with freshly tilled soil.It was in the middle of the big city, but there it felt different.A neighbor shouted hello over the fence.

Long Christmas

Long Christmas

What did you do yesterday?Do you like junk food? I had an extra long Christmas.A 20 hour layover and an 11 hour flight.I didn’t sleep much and I ate a lot of junk food.and when I landed in LA it was still Christmas.