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Author: Yoshua Reece

Real and Imagined Landscapes

Real and Imagined Landscapes

Real and Imagined Landscapes Topic: real and imagined landscapeThesis: Geography is inside and outside us I. IntroII. deserts, mountainsIII. tidal zoneIV. Conclusion A They say that the spirit world also has a geography. There are mountains, oceans and deserts in the spirit world. We know of sacred rivers and mountains. There are two landscapes: inside us and outside us. The desert landscape is an important one in the spirit world. Many wise men and prophets have come from the desert….

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Anywhere tacos

Anywhere tacos

topic: not having a kitchenthesis: can still cook good food and costs less. I. IntroII. wherever you may beIII. easy and deliciousIV. Conclusion A When you rent an apartment, a big part of what you are paying for is the kitchen– that is, somewhere to store and prepare food. But you don’t really need a kitchen to cook. You can easily make delicious food anywhere you go. Most kitchens are located in 1 place and can’t move. However, if you…

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Brown garden

Brown garden

A. The brown garden behind the gym is not empty.  If you go there you will find it is full of things.  They may not be green growing things in December.  They may be brown things.  They may be dead things.  But you step on the soft layer of wood chips and organic debris, and you think that the ground is full of insects and microorganisms. Your cushioned foot steps pass through the gate.  The cabbage that was left behind…

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New at the food park

New at the food park

It is the holiday season. The New Year is coming very soon. This is a time of new things. At the food park, there are 2 new features. One is a Christmas light display in the center of the grass. It is cone-shaped so it looks like a tree. The lights are a beautiful blue color. The other is a roof structure for heated seating area. They installed a couple of electric heaters inside the structure. Each year is an…

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New seller

New seller

So far I’ve set up shop on the corner for 3 days. I’m definitely trying something new, and I’m happy that I am. Being a new seller on the street for the first time is a revealing experience. I’ve learned some things already about selling, which I will share with you. First, I’m not sure exactly what I was expecting, but I found that it is a lot of waiting. Maybe I was imagining a lot of meeting people and…

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Frosty windshield

Frosty windshield

The sun was climbing over the mountains. I was lying awake with my eyes shut. My day was beginning peacefully. I turned the truck to face the sun so the warmth would melt the frost off my windshield. Sitting behind the ice, I watched the bright circle melt my ice prison. Then I drove to the street corner where I sell my scrunchies, and I set my trap. I didn’t sell any, but I did enjoy the idle time alone….

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Topic: spaghettiThesis: spaghetti is good to know how to make.Conclusion: most of all it tastes great. I. IntroII. convenientIII. inexpensiveIV. Conclusion Even if you aren’t a cook, you should know how to make spaghetti. This dish is really good to know how to make. One good thing about making spaghetti is that it is easy. Just boil the dry noodles, drain them, and add the canned spaghetti sauce and hotdog. Add to that the fact that spaghetti is one of…

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Buying in bulk

Buying in bulk

Topic: buying in bulkThesis: it is goodConclusion: some limitations Buying in bulk means buying a large quantity of something. It’s good to buy in bulk. One reason that buying in bulk is good is it saves money to buy in bulk. For example, I bought the biggest jar of peanut butter at the store. It is more peanut butter per dollar for the biggest jar than the smallest jar. It also saves time and work. This jar of peanut butter…

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People do different things for fun. I don’t watch sports or go to concerts. Instead, I like something else. I like to go thrifting. That’s shopping at secondhand stores. I like to find unique items. I want to keep my living space organized and free of clutter. So I am careful about what I collect. A day at the thrift store is a lot of fun. Next time you should join me and we can thrift together. Q. What do…

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Remote terrestrial drone as an entertainment service

Remote terrestrial drone as an entertainment service

Remote terrestrial drone as a service I. have a biz ideaII. what is the serviceIII. how it would be doneIV. what benefit I had a business idea that I want to share. Imagine a website where you can connect to and control a remote control toy truck in the desert wilderness. You can see what the toy truck sees with its camera. You could race around the sagebrush and chase grasshoppers. The remote control truck will have a smartphone with…

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