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Author: Yoshua Reece

Empty space

Empty space

Open space is valuable. Open space can be filled. But keeping open space empty is also valuable. In the country side, there is a lot of open space. I like lots of cafes in the city, however I also like seeing no cafes. On the weekend, you have free time. You can fill it with fun plans. But then you may also be missing the unexpected. Open space is valuable. Nowhere and nothing is something. Q. Do you drink coffee?…

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Other side of the bridge

Other side of the bridge

After I got a bicycle, I found a bridge over a canal. I went across it, and this is what I discovered. On the other side of the bridge, it is greener. There are rice paddies and trees. There aren’t many buildings or traffic. On the other side of the bridge, there are fewer people. There aren’t cafes or restaurants. There is open space and the sound of insects. It’s odd how different it is on the other side of…

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I wish I had a buffalo

I wish I had a buffalo

I saw a farmer walking his buffalo on a country road. Now I want a buffalo. If I had a buffalo, I’d ride it everywhere. I’d ride it to the cafe. It would have fun. If I had a buffalo, I’d be very good to it. I’d give it food. I’d talk to it. I want a buffalo, but I can’t really have one. Q. Do you like animals? What are you passionate about?Q. Do you like kids? Tell me…

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Bicycle or motorbike

Bicycle or motorbike

Bicycle or motorbike If you need personal transport and care about how much fun it is, then you may be wondering whether a bicycle or a motorbike is more fun. With a bicycle, there is the need to eat more food. You’ll be exercising, you’ll get hungrier, and you can eat more. That’s more enjoyable than going to the gas station. With a motorbike, there is more fun from being able to go longer distances. You can see more things…

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Public holiday

Public holiday

I. IntroII. new bicycleIII. many kinds of cakeIV. Conclusion It was a public holiday, and I had a few days off from work. I spend the holiday walking around or playing on my computer. It was nice to have the freedom to be alone all day. I could see many places with a bicycle. Before I could only go around near to where I live because I was on foot. But now I have a bicycle, so I can see…

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On my street

On my street

On my street On my street there’s a toy shop. There’s a toy there called “speaker man”, which I recognize from the drawings I see the kids do on the backs of their worksheets in my class. Some of the boys are really into speaker man. I thought about buying myself a speaker man toy, since I know they’d go bananas when they saw it. I remember being bananas about pokemon when I was that age, but pokemon is better…

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Cau ben tuong

Cau ben tuong

Cau ben tuong Bananas look so cool growing on a tree. I grew up eating bananas, but I never saw a banana tree. All our bananas in America come from Ecuador. But bananas are originally from SE Asia (chicken too). Going on long walks is a good hobby because it is activity for your body and mind. I like to go on long walks in this city because everything here is strange and new. The air quality is really bad…

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In case

In case

Things often don’t go as we want or expect. But if you take the right precautions, you can be prepared in case something happens. In case of rain, better take an umbrella with you. You wouldn’t want to get stuck somewhere waiting for the rain to stop. In case you go to the duck restaurant and they are all sold out, you can find somewhere else to eat. Just know beforehand where else to go if you are too late…

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The other day

The other day

I tried a new fruit the other day. It tasted really good. I was glad that the seller offered to peel it for me, since I don’t have a knife. I saw a soccer field the other day, while I was walking. I didn’t see anyone playing soccer though. Q. Are you good at peeling fruit? Tell me something you’re good at.Q. Do you like watching soccer? Tell me why this is popular.

Basket of eggs

Basket of eggs

You shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. If something happens to the basket, then you will lose all your eggs. If you invest all your money into one stock and then that stock goes down, then you will lose a lot of money. It’s better to invest some money into multiple different stocks. If you only apply to the job you want most and ignore the others, then you may get no job at all. Instead, you should…

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