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Author: Yoshua Reece

Trip to Thai Nguyen

Trip to Thai Nguyen

Topic: trip to Thai NguyenThesis: I went on a trip to Thai Nguyen I. IntroII. my impression of thai nguyenIII. about my activities thereIV. Conclusion In the morning I had a job interview over video chat. The employer suggested I come to observe some classes at the center in Thai Nguyen. So the next day I got on a bus to Thai Nguyen. This is the 9th largest city in Vietnam, and the population is 420k people. The streets are…

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Past or present

Past or present

You may believe that people in ancient times had a more “real” life. But whether life was more real now or in the past depends on how you look at it. In the past, people didn’t have as much access to information. Most knowledge wasn’t written down. People didn’t know as much about important things like medicine and geography. Life expectancy was shorter in the past. There was more disease and less medical knowledge. Also, people often went hungry if…

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Indoor sandals

Indoor sandals

Wearing sandals indoors is a cultural practice in Vietnam. There are several reasons behind this tradition.  People remove their shoes before entering a home to keep the living space clean.  Wearing sandals that are only for indoor use helps to prevent dirt and other contaminants from coming in from outside. People also like sandals for their comfort and practicality.  They are easy to slip on and off.  They also help keep your feet cool on a hot day.   These are…

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Hopes for 2024

Hopes for 2024

The new year is here. Here are my hopes for this new year. My first hope is for personal growth and development. I would like to find a good job. I would also like to develop other skills outside of work. My second hope is for community and connection. I hope that I will find community, be able to form meaningful relationships and have a strong sense of belonging. The new year represents a new opportunity. Many people including myself…

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Go with my gut

Go with my gut

Topic: “go with my gut”Thesis: some examples of situations where saying “go with my gut” might be appropriate. The expression “go with my gut” means to rely on your instincts or intuition when making a decision. Here are some examples of situations where saying “go with my gut” might be appropriate. In a job interview, if you have a gut feeling that the company culture doesn’t fit your values, even if it is a good job, you might decide to…

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Nice things to do at a park

Nice things to do at a park

Topic: parksThesis: Here are some nice things to do in parks. Parks are a good place for doing many things. A park is a good place for playing games. A park is a good place for taking naps. There are many nice things which you can do at parks. Q. Have you been to a park? What did you do there?Q. Should a new sports stadium be built in you city? (Yes or no and why). Audio A Audio B

Doing things slowly

Doing things slowly

Doing things slowly and with more awareness enhances the experience. If you walk slowly, it is possible to be safer by being more aware of your environment. You can see the cracks in the sidewalk so you don’t trip on them. Sipping coffee slowly, your enjoyment of the experience is enhanced. It becomes possible to taste the subtler qualities and feel the effect of the caffeine more attentively. Moving slowly may help us be more aware of our surroundings and…

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Place to call home

Place to call home

Topic: having my own place Thesis: looking for a place to call home A place to call home is something everybody needs.  If you don’t have it, then you’re trying to find it. Here in Hanoi, you will find even the smallest spaces are filled.  A gap between two buildings has a noodle auntie.  A stair step has a chicken on it.  Every size and shape of space is occupied. I have come here to find my own space to…

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Fast and slow

Fast and slow

Topic: pace of life Thesis: The pace of life is fast and slow in Hanoi. Like a river is moving onward, life is moving onward.  In some places life moves fast, and in other places it is slow.  The pace of life is fast and slow in Hanoi. Riding on the back of the motorbike taxi is a fast feeling.  There is excitement.  There is action.  There is the smell of exhaust from a hundred other motorbikes moving around you…

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New Year thoughts

New Year thoughts

Topic: making life brighter Thesis: celebrating Tet and keeping a positive mindset can make our lives brighter. A Celebrating Tet and cultivating a positive mindset can make our lives brighter. Celebrating Tet makes our lives brighter. Tet has many traditional practices which emphasize goodwill. For example, giving lucky money to children, sharing special foods, visiting family, offering altar tributes, and wishing each other well. Gestures of goodwill like these make life brighter for ourselves and others. Tet also emphasizes practices…

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