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Author: Yoshua Reece

Pouring rain

Pouring rain

Sudden shower My apartment was starting to feel dirty, so I went out to buy a broom, a brush and some toilet cleaner. It was sunny and hot when I went out. I bicycled to the store and carried everything back on my handlebars. On the way back, it suddenly started pouring rain. I got completely soaked. So did the new broom I bought. It’s already stopped raining now. Q. How was the weather today? What did you do?Q. What’s…

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Hao Hao noodles

Hao Hao noodles

I like instant noodles. I know that they’re not very healthy, but I don’t eat them every day. I still like them. I like that they can be just normal instant noodles, or if you add a bunch of stuff to them then they can be more fancy and special. I had some with pickled bamboo and an egg today. I like how I ride a bike because I zone out. I like the clouds because they are beautiful. I…

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Xuong rong temple

Xuong rong temple

Today I found a beautiful temple. I went inside and sat down on a stone bench. It was calm and peaceful. There were beautiful works of art all around, and trees were casting shade overhead. There were flower petals on the ground. There was a young man also sitting there by himself. I spoke to him a little bit. In this lovely land, I am the stranger. Q. Tell me about a place you found.Q. Have you ever experienced difficulty…

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Bicycle repair

Bicycle repair

My bicycle tire blew out while I was on my bike ride today. A kind and capable stranger repaired it for me. This insect started living in my room. I just hope it eats a cockroach. It is clumsy and often falls on its back. Q. Tell me about someone you know who is kind and capable.Q. Tell me about a time when your plans were changed.

Going anywhere

Going anywhere

This morning I picked up a beetle. I found it at the top of the stairs. The beetle was on its back. I touched it, and it climbed on my finger. It didn’t fly away after that. It stayed on my finger. I could wait at the bus stop and get on the bus. I don’t know where the bus is going. But I can go where it goes. I just want to get on the bus. Like the beetle….

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Slippers I got these slippers today. I had wanted more chunky ones like I see some of the staff wearing at work. I got to the market though, and there wasn’t a lot of selection. I got these, but I might still try to find some chunkier slippers. Birds are nice to have around, but I don’t usually like seeing the cages. Those cages are too small. But this cafe near my house has like a whole room for their…

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Border run

Border run

I went to the airport super early. I laid on the floor in a big empty room. I watched cartoons. I listened to people speaking Thai. In Thailand I ate some Thai food. I went for a walk. I left the country and came back, and now I’m home again. Q. Tell me about your weekend.Q. where is home? Why?

The place where I live

The place where I live

The place where I live The ants are there. You don’t always see them, but they’re there. They know it the moment there is food. They form a long line to my door. Welcome, please come inside. The place where I live is a beautiful place. The building is old and weathered-looking. Centipedes sleep on the wall. The tree drops its pink flowers on the ground. Q. Are you comfortable where you live? What is it like living there?Q. Tell…

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Time travel movies

Time travel movies

There are many movies about time-travel. I’ll talk a little bit about that. You’re probably familiar with the idea of it. Usually someone invents a machine that can take them back in time. Maybe they want to go back and change something. I like thinking about the ancient world. I like thinking about what I would do with a time machine. I’d probably go back 1000 years ago to Vietnam. I haven’t seen any time-travel movies about someone just going…

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Community notice board

Community notice board

Community notice board I found something interesting. It is a chalkboard on the wall in the neighborhood. It has information for the community. It says “Summer activity schedule”, and has information for weekly events held in that community. Residents can stay informed about the events and activities in their community. I think a community notice board is a simple but great idea. Not only as a way to inform residents, but to engage them with the community. When we do…

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