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Author: Yoshua Reece

Local plants of Santa Fe

Local plants of Santa Fe

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be encouraged to play sports such as soccer and basketball.Inventions such as eyeglasses and the sewing machines have had an important effect on our lives. Choose another invention that you think is important. Give specific reasons for your choice. Getting to know the plants and animals around you isn’t just fascinating—it’s also beneficial for you and your environment.Learning about local flora and fauna helps you understand the natural world…

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Exciting cactus ideas

Exciting cactus ideas

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be given a modest weekly allowance for doing household chores.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should consult with their parents when they are choosing a major. I want to plant rows of cactus out in the badlands. You could do some pretty exciting things with that.Of course, you could harvest the fruit every year and make syrup and juice. In the Summer I would…

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Cactus fence

Cactus fence

For children, it is more important to study than to play.I want my own __. There is moisture in the atmosphere. The TV weather people were really happy that we’re going to get some rain.I visited the cactus fence I saw when I was driving by the other day. It turned out to be a public park under construction. No one was there and the gate wasn’t closed.I was interested in this cactus fence. I want my own cactus fence….

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Open window

Open window

Some people prefer to work from home, while others want to go out to work. Which do you prefer?What do you eat when you don’t want to cook? The window doesn’t close at all. The sliding glass came out of the frame a long time ago, and it couldn’t be put back in.The road after a rain makes an acid smell, but the rain makes the air smell fresh and clean too. Outside, a slow-moving line of cars rumbles and…

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About Aliens

About Aliens

Some people think branding is useful. Others disagree. What do you think?What do you practice at home? A lot of people think that aliens are not real, but I will tell you they certainly are. Here are some real things about aliens.First, they don’t all fly UFO’s. Some drive Earth cars. The most popular brand of Earth car among aliens is Vinfast.Second, they observe human behavior to learn how to act. They want to blend in and seem normal. At…

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Agree or disagree: Zoos are good for the public.What makes someone a responsible adult? I can lay down on the ground and wiggle forward like a caterpillar.I can do most anything a caterpillar can do.I can sleep outside in my sleeping bag and and not pay rent.It’s so easy to do, I do it all the time.

Angle in the sky

Angle in the sky

Agree or disagree: TV is good for kids.How to greet a space alien? Maybe from a window. Maybe from over a wall.From somewhere I don’t see, someone else is also watching me.I looked up at the sky and saw an angle. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.Protecting our blue ball from way up high.

Second hand truck

Second hand truck

Agree or disagree: online shopping is better than traditional stores.How to survive a long bus ride. I got on a rocket ship to Mars.I was shopping online for a used pickup truck, and I found an inexpensive one, but it’s located on Mars.It’s a good truck, and I need a truck. And it’s only 300 million miles away.Now I’m in space for 14 months.

Yoga at the park

Yoga at the park

Parks are good for _____. I wish I did ____ everyday. I went to a park and sat in the grass.I sat under the shade of a tree and took off my shoes. I did some yoga.There were a few cars napping in the shade and a guy and his dog playing fetch across the park.It was so quiet that I heard myself think, “this ain’t so bad”.

Personal imprint

Personal imprint

I remember once it rained and __.Have you remembered a stranger?why did you remember them? A photograph captures a moment in time.A past rain, the water once spreading in the sand, left behind its shape.Like bones, what is left behind tells the story.My imprint in the sand and everything I do is left behind.