Quitting school, quitting work

Quitting school, quitting work

What stresses you out? How do you cope? Is university important? When will you graduate?  What will you do next?  How are you feeling about it? Have you ever quit a job? If I didn’t need a job or money, what would I do with my life? Have you completed anything difficult?

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Oftentimes, when I’m stressed out, I want to quit what I’m doing.  When should I give up?  Never?

When I was 20 years old, I thought I wanted to drop out of university.  I just wanted to be somewhere different, doing something different.  My dad talked me out of it.

I once quit a job because my coworker was annoying.  She was always treating me like a child, so I quit.

I wouldn’t agree that you should “never give up”.  I think it’s good to know when to quit, but also when not to quit.   

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