Living with social media

Living with social media

What social media apps do you use? How can social media apps be helpful/hurtful? How can we have a healthy relationship with our phones? How do you begin a new habit?

This lesson is a discussion in which the student will compare the pros and cons of social media, and think of ways we can live with social media in a healthy way. Best for highschool age and up.

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I use Facebook, Youtube, Wechat and other social media.  Here I will discuss the good and bad of living with social media.

I have a friend in Thailand who I follow on facebook.  We only met in real life a couple times, but he and I connected over our shared passion for teaching with puppets. We’ve stayed in touch ever since.

On the other hand, it isn’t always helpful.  I often stay up way too late because I watch youtube before bed.

Sometimes when I go out, I like to leave my phone at home.  Instead, I take along a notebook and some pens. 

We’re living with social media now.  It has the power to help us or hurt us.  But we have the power to decide.

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