Real and Imagined Landscapes

Real and Imagined Landscapes

Real and Imagined Landscapes

Topic: real and imagined landscape
Thesis: Geography is inside and outside us

I. Intro
II. deserts, mountains
III. tidal zone
IV. Conclusion


They say that the spirit world also has a geography. There are mountains, oceans and deserts in the spirit world. We know of sacred rivers and mountains. There are two landscapes: inside us and outside us.

The desert landscape is an important one in the spirit world. Many wise men and prophets have come from the desert. Mountain tops where monks pray are close to the sky where perhaps they touch the spirit world.

I once dreamed I was digging in the desert. I pictured the landscape clearly — it was flat, gently sloped land in a wide open place. The sky was very big and the sun so powerful. Here and there were mounds of earth, and I was digging at the side of one with my shovel. I opened up a hole and crawled inside the mound. It was an ancient pit home like the native Americans used to have. It was cool and dark, but there was some light from the open hole. The floor and walls were sculpted by hand out of clay. As I was sitting inside and looking out of the hole, I encountered a spirit. It was like suddenly feeling a warm blanket wrapped around me, and in my head a picture of a Native woman holding me like a child.

Q. Would you ever think of becoming a monk?


The tidal zone between land and water is separate from either one. The life forms hidden in crevices between rocks is of a different kingdom than fish or mammals. This space between spaces nourishes our bodies and minds.

In New Mexico there are places with natural hotsprings. The heat of the Earth far below the surface heats the water. They call that geothermal, which is literally “earth-heat”. People go to hotsprings to soak in the hot water. It feels really good and is supposed to be healthy.

I drove South to Belen and even further, all the way to Truth or Consequences. That’s the name of the town, named after a radio show decades ago by that name. Truth or Consequences is a small town of about 6000 people, one of whom is an aunt of mine. I went there to meet her and also to walk around the town. It feels like I’m looking for something, but I don’t know what.

They say that the spirit world also has a geography. It seems possible to me because landscapes capture more than a feeling. The desert landscape connects to something that is deep inside me.

Q. Tell me about a time when you moved from one place to another.

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