New seller

New seller

So far I’ve set up shop on the corner for 3 days. I’m definitely trying something new, and I’m happy that I am. Being a new seller on the street for the first time is a revealing experience. I’ve learned some things already about selling, which I will share with you.

First, I’m not sure exactly what I was expecting, but I found that it is a lot of waiting. Maybe I was imagining a lot of meeting people and answering questions or something. But when I went there I waited for a long time and watched the cars drive by. I ended up passing the time walking in circles or drawing in the dirt. The first person that pulled over looked at the scrunchies but didn’t buy. I waited a long time and then suddenly voila! Someone bought a scrunchie. That made me really happy. That made the waiting worthwhile.

I tried a couple of ideas while I was waiting. I played my violin. I was at a corner with a stoplight, so whenever it was red there would be 5 or 6 cars stopped there. Probably about 100 people heard me. I also burned some incense. I have incense that I found at the secondhand store, and I burned a stick of it and held it over my head like the Vietnamese do. I placed it by the scrunchies so maybe money will come. I’m not sure if that’s how it works.

Another thing that I learned in my first 3 days of being a new seller is that it doesn’t feel like I know what I’m doing. I’m trying something to see if it works, but I really don’t know if it will or won’t. But as I make mistakes I can notice them and then do something else that is better.

For example, while waiting I had the idea to put up Christmas stockings on the truck. It’s almost Christmas, and people traditionally hang up stockings and stuff them with gifts. Scrunchies make good stocking stuffers.

I’m impressed with the progress I’ve made these past 3 days. I am all the more convinced that I want to continue forward with this plan. I will keep swinging, and most likely miss a lot, but will finally get better at this.

Q. Are you a patient person? How so?
Q. I feel clueless about _.

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