

Topic: spaghetti
Thesis: spaghetti is good to know how to make.
Conclusion: most of all it tastes great.

I. Intro
II. convenient
III. inexpensive
IV. Conclusion

Even if you aren’t a cook, you should know how to make spaghetti. This dish is really good to know how to make.

One good thing about making spaghetti is that it is easy. Just boil the dry noodles, drain them, and add the canned spaghetti sauce and hotdog.

Add to that the fact that spaghetti is one of the most inexpensive dishes you could make. Dry pasta noodles, hotdogs, and spaghetti sauce don’t cost much, and it makes a lot of spaghetti.

There are many reasons why we should all learn how to make spaghetti, however the most important reason is that spaghetti is delicious.

Q. Some believe it is possible to make a society where it is easier to be good than to be bad. Others don’t think it is possible. What is your opinion?
Q. Everyone should learn _.

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