999 Market

999 Market

Topic: buying ingredients
Thesis: took a long time at 999 market.
Conclusion: I got everything on the list.

I. Thesis
II. obscure items
III. communication barriers
IV. Conclusion

I was sent to the 999 market to buy ingredients for the egg rolls. It took me a really long time to get everything.

A lot of the items on my list were obscure to me. I had never heard of a vegetable called taro. I also needed to get thin vermiceli and black dried mushrooms.

There were also communication barriers. The staff at 999 market speak mainly Vietnamese. I took photos of items on the shelves and sent them to the cooks, saying “is this the right one???”

It took a long time to get everything on the list, but eventually I did. Now the cooks will have everything they need to make the egg rolls.

Q. Not many people have tried _.
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